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Skills for Education and Employment
The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program gives you training in language, literacy and numeracy. It’s available across Australia, including in remote communities.
Being Leadership Academy
The Being Leadership Academy delivers peer-led in-person courses on employment pathways that you can access if you are someone living with mental health issues. They also have an online platform for training, resources, webinars and peer forums.
Job Access
Job Access is a national hub for workplace and employment information and resources for people with disability. Job Access can help you with all aspects of employment including training, workplace adjustments and finding a service provider.
Inclusion Australia (NCID)
NCID has a dedicated online portal designed for people with intellectual disability that includes employment pathway information, data and research. They also host workshops and events that you and your family can attend.
Inclusion Support Program
The program provides support for eligible mainstream ECEC services to build their capacity and capability to include children with additional needs, alongside their typically developing peers. The ISP is part of the Child Care Safety Net and Child Care Package, your local Early Childhood Education Centre can also give you more information about accessing this support.
Australian Disability Enterprises
Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) employ people with disability in a supported working environment. They help you to work, develop new skills and participate in your community.
Me Plus More – Women in the Workplace
Online professional development courses for women with intellectual disability.
Transition to Work
If you’re aged 15 to 24, Transition to work can help you to get a job by providing intensive pre-employment support. Transition to work providers have strong links with their local community, they often work with employers, community services and schools to help build your skills and get you employment ready.
Ticket to Work
The National Disability Services (NDS) has a Ticket to Work program to prepare students for the workplace. You can get involved with one of the Ticket to Work networks running in your area.
Y-Connect Program
Through the Y-Connect Program, the Young Women’s Christian Society (YWCA) offers an opportunity for women living with a disability to access workshops, events and mentoring opportunities regardless of professional experience.