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National Disability Advocacy Program
The National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) provides people with disability with access to effective disability advocacy that promotes, protects and ensures their full and equal enjoyment of all human rights enabling community participation.
Family Advocacy
If you have a disability you may be able to access Family Advocacy webinars, workshops, resources, conferences, networking and support to assist you to obtain meaningful employment.
Ask Izzy Disability Advocacy Finder
The Ask Izzy Disability Advocacy Finder allows you to search for and find National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) providers in your local area.
Disability Advocacy Network Australia
The Disability Advocacy Network Australia website has information about advocating for yourself or someone you care for, and a list of advocate services in each state and territory.
Advocacy for Disability Access and Inclusion
Advocacy for Disability Access and Inclusion helps families to access healthcare services.
Advocacy for Inclusion (AFI)
AFI has created a number of resources to assist people with disability to self-advocate and to build skills in areas such as supported decision making, writing letters and attending meetings.
Lets have a yarn about advocacy
This is information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about advocating for yourself or someone you care for, and a list of advocate services in each state and territory.
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
This website has a list of advocacy groups in your state or territory.
Action for More Independence & Dignity in Accommodation (AMIDA)
AMIDA is an independent advocacy organisation which advocates for good housing for people with disability. They can provide advocacy to individuals, with priority given to people with an intellectual disability.
NDIS Appeals
If you or someone you care for has applied for the NDIS and are seeking a review of the decision made, NDIS Appeals may be able to help you appeal reviewable decisions of the National Disability Insurance Agency through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.