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Leisure in Australia
Information for new migrants about sport and recreation options in Australia.
Empowering People with Disabilities
Empowering People with Disabilities (EPD) aims to increase the capacity of CALD people to access services that meet their needs, participate in community life.
Audio Ability
Audio Ability is a project that will mentor, train and assign work placement for people living with disability in community media and creative industries across Australia.
Local Area Coordinators (LACs)
Local Area Coordinators (LACs) can link you to the NDIS and to mainstream and community supports in your area. You can ask your LAC about the supports available in your community, even if you're not eligible for an NDIS support plan.
Survivors of Torture and Trauma Assistance and Rehabilitation Service - STTARS
STTARS offers counselling, mental health and social connection services to people from refugee and refugee-like backgrounds to support them in their recovery.
Cultural Connections in Disability
This project develops and delivers culturally sensitive and accessible activities and resources for CALD people with disability, their families and carers.
Brain Bank
BrainBank is a free one-on-one peer panel to help people with brain injury navigate life and support others.
Burnside Library audio book club
The Burnside Library holds a monthly Book Club for people who are visually impaired. Members can discuss and access an audiobook using the libraries BorrowBox e-audio collection.
Find out more about the Burnside Library audio book club.
Better Health Channel
The Better Health Channel provides information about disability groups and networks. Some you can access across Australia, however some are only available in Victoria.
Information, linkages and capacity building (ILC)
ILC provides funding to organisations to deliver projects in the community that benefit all Australians with disability, their carers and families.
These projects create connections between people with disability and the communities they live in. Projects aim to build the knowledge, skills and confidence of people with disability, and improve their access to community and mainstream services.