Emergency contacts, safety and help

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Emergency contacts

Video duration 2:27


Hi. I’m Nicole.
It’s important to stay safe and access the help you need quickly. So today, I’ll be talking you through some key emergency contacts listed on the Disability Gateway website.

Title graphic: Emergency Contacts

In the case of an emergency or if someone is in danger always call Triple Zero immediately.

Graphic: (Icon) Call Triple Zero 000

If you have a hearing or speech impairment and there is an emergency, call 106 or make a text emergency call.

Graphic: (Icon) Call 106 Text emergency call

If English is not your first language and you require translation or interpretation in an emergency, call 131 450

Graphic: (Icon) Call 131 450 Translating and Interpreting Service

Call 1800 RESPECT if you are experiencing domestic violence.

Graphic: (Icon) Call 1800 737 732

If you need urgent help with poisons, call the Poisons Information Centre on 131 126.

Graphic: (Icon) Call 131 126

And finally, to access help in an emergency or a disaster situation, please select your specific state for more detailed information and a local response.

Graphic: State Emergency Services

If you have any questions or want to find out more about the supports and services available to you, please contact the Disability Gateway on 1800 643 787.

Key contacts

In an emergency or if someone is in danger:

Call Triple Zero 000

In an emergency if you have hearing or speech impairment:

Call 106 to make a text emergency call

If you need translation or interpretation:

Call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450

If you want help with domestic violence:

Call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732

If you need urgent help with poisons:

Call the Poisons Information Centre 131 126

To get help in an emergency or disaster situation:


Disaster support

To get help in an emergency or disaster situation:

Visit Recovery Connect

For information about Local Government Areas which have been declared natural disasters and how to apply for disaster recovery payments:

Visit Disaster Assist

For information about natural disaster payments and help for people directly affected by bushfires, floods or other natural disasters:

Visit Services Australia

Find disaster recovery services and support in your area:

Visit the National Emergency Management Agency



If you are experiencing, or at risk of, domestic, family or sexual violence please call 1800 737 732 or visit 1800RESPECT.

The Sunny App is also available to support people with disability recognise violence and abuse, understand their rights and take action to protect their safety.