Consider time and cost

Ensure you allocate appropriate time and resources to successfully design and execute your project or event.


Planning or designing

Allow time to plan or design a fully accessible activity. You should give yourself enough time to:

  • Obtain ethics approval if your activity needs it.
  • Recruit a representative sample of participants across your target cohort.
  • Give people with disability enough information and notice about your activity so they can prepare.
  • Find appropriate and accessible venues.
  • Arrange services to assist with accessibility.
  • Create accessible materials.

Relevant pages

Design: Follow ethical standards

Design: Partner with disability specialists

Plan: Create accessible materials

Deliver: Check remote tools

Inclusion: Take the time, make the time (Inclusion Australia)


Allow time to run or deliver a fully accessible activity. You may need to:

  • Think about how your activity meets the diverse needs of your participants, especially people with disability.
  • Include more breaks throughout the activity and allow for the costs and resources required to support more breaks.
  • Communicate in different ways.
  • Allow time and offer different ways for participants to give feedback. You will also need time to respond to different methods of feedback.
  • Give yourself and your team time to create and respond to follow-up communication.

Relevant pages

Plan: Give participants clear information in advance

Plan: Meet people’s accessibility needs

Plan: Schedule activities

Follow up: Promote effective follow up

Follow up: Use feedback to evaluate


Allow budget to facilitate activity that is appropriate for and accessible to people with disability. You may need to:

  • Pay participants for their insight and expertise as people with disability, and pay their support people.
  • Employ additional team members, partners, or disability experts, including trauma-informed facilitators, disability advocates, or facilitators with disability.
  • Arrange accessibility services from outside your team, such as live transcription, captioning, and Auslan interpreting.
  • Contract services (such as auditors or recruiters) through disability or other specialist organisations.
  • Provide additional equipment, such as hearing loops and specialty keyboards or software.
  • Provide accessible materials, such as resources in Easy Read or braille.
  • Consider the accessibility of physical locations.

Relevant pages

Design: Pay participants

Design: Partner with disability specialists

Plan: Identify and attract participants

Plan: Plan accessible in-person activities