Everyday living

You may find you need help with day-to-day activities, such as cleaning, shopping, cooking and household chores. There are supports and services available that could help you maintain your independence.

Video duration 1:44

Hi, I'm David,and today I'll be talking about the area of life that relates to everyday living.

You might need support with day-to-day activities, including cleaning, shopping, cooking and chores around your home.

These can be things like cleaning the house, maintaining the garden and taking care of your home.

You can find more information about these services on the Cleaning and household chores page.

When it comes to shopping, you might need support to get things like groceries online or from a grocery store.

You can find services in each State and Territory and more information on the Shopping page.

If you find it easier cooking your own meals, support is available to send someone to your home to help plan and prepare your meals.

Meals can also be made and delivered to you at home.

You can find more information about these services on the Meal delivery and preparation services page.

There may be assistance available to help you plan your everyday needs, assist in getting to the store and accompany you while you're shopping.

You can find more information about these types of services on the Shopping assistance page.

If you would like to know more about how we can assist in everyday living, please contact the Disability Gateway on 1800 643 787.

This section provides links to services and information on:

Cleaning and household chores

Programs and organisations to help you with household chores

Shopping assistance

Help to buy the things you need online or in person

Meal delivery and preparation services

Services to deliver food to you or help you prepare it

Life skills

Programs and services to help you develop life skills that empower you to live independently

Everyday living

Video duration 1:44

Hi, I'm David,and today I'll be talking about the area of life that relates to everyday living.

You might need support with day-to-day activities, including cleaning, shopping, cooking and chores around your home.

These can be things like cleaning the house, maintaining the garden and taking care of your home.

You can find more information about these services on the Cleaning and household chores page.

When it comes to shopping, you might need support to get things like groceries online or from a grocery store.

You can find services in each State and Territory and more information on the Shopping page.

If you find it easier cooking your own meals, support is available to send someone to your home to help plan and prepare your meals.

Meals can also be made and delivered to you at home.

You can find more information about these services on the Meal delivery and preparation services page.

There may be assistance available to help you plan your everyday needs, assist in getting to the store and accompany you while you're shopping.

You can find more information about these types of services on the Shopping assistance page.

If you would like to know more about how we can assist in everyday living, please contact the Disability Gateway on 1800 643 787.

A woman helping a man in a wheelchair vacuum his house

In this Area of Life we talk about support with day-to-day activities, such as:

  • cleaning
  • shopping
  • cooking
  • chores around your home.

This section has information about:

A mop, a hand holding a plant and a hand holding a spanner

Chores around your home

Help with day-to-day chores around your home.

A woman helping a man do his shopping


Support to shop for your groceries.

2 people cooking in a kitchen


Services that can support you to cook your meals.


Key supports

National Disability Insurance Scheme logo.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports people with disability.

If you want help with the NDIS, you can call them on 1800 800 110

My Aged Care logo.

My Aged Care supports older people.

You can call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422

Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs logo.

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs supports veterans. We call this department DVA.

A veteran is a person who served in the military.

If you want help from DVA, you can call them on 1800 555 524

A Medicare card with a dollar sign and a down arrow. Behind it is a map of Australia.

Medicare is a program that gives all Australians health care at no cost or low cost.

If you want help with Medicare, you can call them on 132 011

Australian Government Services Australia logo.

Services Australia supports all Australians, including:

  • families
  • older people
  • carers
  • people looking for work.

If you want help from Services Australia, you can call them on 132 307

Carer Gateway logo.

The Carer Gateway supports families and carers who support another person.

You can call the Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737

Head to Health logo

Head to Health can help you find information about mental health – for yourself or for someone you care about.

You can visit the Head to Health website for more information.