First Nations Languages

Australia’s Disability Strategy Implementation Report Summary – 3 December 2021 to 30 June 2023.

These videos will help you understand Australia’s Disability Strategy and what activities have been undertaken and continue to be undertaken to implement the Strategy.

Yumplatok (Torres Strait Creole) with English text

Video duration 3:26
SCNEnglishTS Creole / Yumplatok
1.0Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy) promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 tu 2031, wi go jas kol em da Strategy, da Strategy promote’ values wase respect, inclusion ane equality bikos demwan mina important pat blo national identity blo yumpla.
1.2The Strategy calls on all Australians to make sure that everyone with disability can join in as equal members of society. People with disability could be our brothers and sisters, parents and children, co-workers, partners and friends.Da Strategy kol on ebri Australians po mek sur dat ebriwan uda disability ken join in en bi equal members blong society. Pipel uda gad disability ken bi eniwan, wase bala’s ane sissy’s, parents or piknini, work mates, prens or man o oman blo mipla.
2.0During the development of the Strategy, lots of people who don’t usually take part in public consultation processes attended the meetings to make sure this Strategy will work and make life better for our mob with disability.Wail mipla bi meke da Strategy, plenti pipel uda normally nor kamaut po dem public consultation processes bi teke pat lo mipla mitings po mek sur dis Strategy go wok, ane meke life mo beda po mipla pamle ane pren uda gad disability.
3.0Our responsibility as governments, leaders and citizens is to build a society in which people with disability can participate as equal members with equal opportunities to fulfil their potential.Responsibility blo mipla governments, leaders ane citizens e po build wan society weya pipel uda gad disability ken tek pat en pil semkain wase ebribodi else en gad equal opportunities po reach potential blo dempla.
4.0For this Strategy to work we need everybody in the community to take part and act, because we have to work together to make sure that everybody feels included and can have a good life.Po meke dis Strategy wok wi nid ebriwan lo community po tek pat ane act, bikos mipla ebribodi mas wok tugeda po mek sur ebriwan gar, go pil included en ken gad mina gud life.
5.0People with disability said that more focus should be on housing, safety, working, education, health and good attitude in their community. So those are the outcomes that the Strategy focuses on.Pipel uda gad disability bi spik dempla wande mo focus po bi lo housing, safety, employment, education, health en ol wande pipel po gad gud attitude deya lo community blo dempla. So demwan dem outcomes wannem dis Strategy go focus on.
6.0We have good processes in place to measure and evaluate the outcomes.Mipla gad ol good processes in place po measure ane evaluate dem outcomes.
7.0This Strategy recognises the human rights of people and aims to remove barriers so people with disability can be active in our community.Dis Strategy recognises da human rights blo pipel an aims po tekemaut dem barriers po pipel uda gad disability so dempla ken tek part lo ol activities deya lo community blo dempla.
8.0Throughout the life of the Strategy, policies and programs will be developed with an intersectional and diversity lens. This will ensure people can access tailored resources, services and supports.Throughout life blo dis Strategy, ol policies an ol programs go bi developed gad intersectional an diversity lens. Diswan po mek sur olkain pipel no mada dempla race, class or gender gad access po ol tailored resources, services an supports.
9.0Under the Strategy and Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, the Australian Government is committed to creating policies and programs that reflect the needs and strengths of First Nations people with disability.Anda da Strategy en Closing da Gap Implementation Plan, da Australian Government pramis po meke ol policies an ol programs wase tek notice da nids ane strengths blo First Nations pipel uda gad disability.
10.0To achieve the Strategy’s vision, governments are committed to the development of policies, programs, services and systems which reflect the human rights principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).Po achieve vision blo dis Strategy, Governments pramis po meke ol policies, programs, services ane systems stret lo human rights principles blo da United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).

The Guiding Principles are based on Article 3 of the UN CRPD. Governments have

agreed to use these Guiding Principles when developing policies, programs, services and systems.

Dem Guiding Principles e based lo Article 3 blo da UN CRPD. Ebri Governments bi

gree po usem dem Guiding Principles wen ol go develop dem policies, programs, services ane systems.

12.0It is vital that business, the non-government sector and the broader community also consider how they can apply these principles.E mina impotant yumpla businesses, da non-government sector ane communities prapa tinkbaut wiskain yumpla ken apply dem principles.
13.0You can find out more about how the Strategy is progressing and how we are delivering on the outcome areas in video 2 and other activities in video 3.Yupla ken painaut mo abaut wannem wi makem weya da Strategy en wiskain mipla delivering lo dem outcome areas deya lo video 2 ane ol nada activities wi mekem e deya insaid lo video 3.
14.0All of the Strategy documents are available on Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, on the Disability Gateway website, including the latest reports and the key deliverables.Yu ken paine ebri dem Strategy documents wase dem latest reports ane key deliverables deya lo Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, lo da Disability Gateway website. Esso.

Video duration 5:22
SCNEnglishTS Creole / Yumplatok

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy) promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.

The Strategy builds on all the good work of the National Disability Strategy 2010–2020 to establish a national approach to improving the lives of people with disability.

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 tu 2031, wi go jas kol em da Strategy.

Da Strategy promotes values wase respect, inclusion ane equality bikos demwan mina impotant part blo national identity blo yumpla.

Da Strategy build em ap prom ol dem gud wok blo da National Disability Strategy 2010 tu 2020 po meke national approach po improving da lives blo pipel uda gad disability.

2.0The outcome areas in the Strategy show where communities, businesses and governments will focus to improve the lives of people with disability.Dem outcome areas blo Strategy sow weya communities, businesses ane gabman gor focus po improve laip blo pipel uda gad disability.

The Employment and Financial Security Outcome Area aims to create more jobs and career opportunities.

We want people with disability to have income and financial security to allow them to plan for their future, make their own choices and have control over their lives.

Dem Employment ane Financial Security Outcome Area, aim po meke more jobs ane career opportunities.

Mipla wande pipel uda gad disability po gad income ane financial security, so dempla ken plan po dempla future, en meke dempla own choices, so ol go gad control oba dempla lives.

4.0We are focussing on helping young people with disability to find suitable jobs after they finish their studies, enabling financial independence and security.Mipla focus e por elpe ol young pipel uda gad disability po paine wok wen ol go pinis studies blo dempla, so ol ken gad financial independence ane security.
5.0The Inclusive Homes and Communities Outcome Area states how very important it is for people to be able to live in well-designed, accessible homes that they can afford.Da Inclusive Homes ane Communities Outcome Area spik e mina impotant por pipel por stap lor prapa well-designed, accessible homes weya dempla ken afford.
6.0Community shops, businesses and recreational venues must also be accessible for people with disability so that they can go to work and socialise and lead a fulfilled life.En pipel uda gad disability mas gad access po shops, businesses an recreational venues lo community so dempla ken go wok, socialise en gad mina gud life.

It’s important that people with disability can make their own choices and have control about where they live, who they live with, and who comes into their home.

People with disability need to be able to access different environments and get out and about and visit people and places in their community.

It is also important that people with disability can contact the right people for reliable information.

I important dat pipel uda gad disability ken meke dempla own choices en gad pul sei en control baut weya dempla go stap, uda ol go stap lo, en uda lau po bisit dempla lo ause.

Pipel uda gad disability nid po bi able tu access ol dipren environments en cruise raun dempla community en bisit ol pamle en ol pren blo dempla.

En i mina impotant dat pipel uda gad disability ken contact da right pipel po paindaut laitha, dem prapa reliable information.


The Safety, Rights and Justice Outcome Area states that people with disability have the same rights as people without disability.

All people should always feel safe!

Da Safety, Rights an Justice Outcome Area spik pipel uda gad disability ken gad dem seim raits as dem pipel uda nor gad disability.

Yumpla pipel sud olweis pil sape!


We are working to make sure that people with disability have equal access to justice and feel that their rights are supported, up-held and protected.

Discrimination is against the law, but people with disability often feel discriminated against in their daily lives.

We are working to change that!

Mipla woking po mek sure pipel uda gad disability gad equal access po justice en ol pil laik dempla raits e sapoted, ap-held en protected.

Discrimination i against da law wadth, bat ol pipel lo disability oltaim pil wase dempla e discriminated agenst weya daily liap blo dempla.

Mipla e woking po seinze’ datwan!


We need to make sure people with disability are safe from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, including women and their children.

We are working to provide better responses for those who have experienced trauma.

Wi nid po mek sure pipel uda gad disability plus ol oman ane piknini, olweis sape prom eni violence, abuse, neglect ane exploitation.

Mipla working po gad ol more beta responses po elpe pipel uda bi gor through trauma.

11.0The criminal justice system also needs education to understand and respond correctly to the complex needs and vulnerabilities of people with disability.Da criminal justice system mas larn por andastan en respond prapa ei por dem complex needs en vulnerabilities blo pipel uda gad disability.
12.0The Personal and Community Support Outcome Area goal is to make sure people with disability have access to the personal and community specialist disability supports that are needed.Da Personal ane Community Support Outcome Area goal e po mek sure pipel uda gad disability go gad access po dem personal ane community specialist disability sapots dempla i nid.
12.1People with disability also need to have access to general public mainstream services and receive support to access assistive technology.Dempla nid po gad access po dem general public mainstream services ane gede sapot po access dem assistive technology tu.
12.2We want all people with disability to have access to disability supports, not just those people who are eligible for NDIS.Mipla wande ol people uda gad disability po gad access po disability sapots, nor jas dempla uda eligible po gede NDIS.

The Education and Learning Outcome Area aim is for people with disability to have better access to formal and informal education.

We are working towards more inclusive education and to create better pathways and accessibility for people with disability to further their education and training.

Da Education en Learning Autcome Area aim e po pipel uda gad disability po gad beta access po formal ane informal education.

Mipla working por gad mo inclusive education en por create mo beda pathways en accessibility por pipel uda gad disability, so dempla ken further da education ane training bor dempla.

14.0We are also working to provide younger children with disability access to high-quality early childhood care and education.Mipla also working po mek sure ol young pikninni uda gad disability go gad access po ol high-quality early childhood care en education.

Our goal for the Health and Wellbeing Outcome area is for people with disability to have the best possible health and wellbeing throughout their lives.

It’s important that health service providers are ready to meet the needs of people with disability.

Mipla goal po da Health en Wellbeing Autcome area e po dem pipel uda gad disability, por mek sure dempla gad da best possible health ene wellbeing throughaut laip bor dempla.

E mina impotant dat ol health service providers e redi po mit’eh ol nids blo dempla.


Good health and wellbeing, including mental health, is very important for a person’s quality of life.

This is especially important before, during and after disasters or public emergencies.

Gud health ane wellbeing, including mental health, e mina impotant po quality of laip blo pipel.

Diswan mina important bipo, during, en apta wan disaster or wen e gad public emergencies.

16.0This Outcome Area focuses on Community Attitudes and aims to achieving an inclusive society and improving outcomes for people with disability.Dis Outcome Area e focus lor Community Attitudes en aim po meke wan inclusive society ane meke dem outcomes po pipel uda gad disability mo gud.

The community has to have the right attitude!

Communities must be inclusive for people with disability to participate in every aspect of society.

Communities blo yumpla mas gad da rait attitude!

Communities mas meke pipel uda gad disability pil included ane welcam dempla po tek pat lo olkain samting lo society.

17.0The Strategy’s Guiding Principles reflect the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. All governments are committed to the development and implementation of policies, programs, and services, which reflect the human rights principles of the Convention, and to use the Guiding Principles in their work.Dem Guiding Principles blo da Strategy reflect dem principles blo da United Nations Convention on da Rights of Persons uda gad Disabilities. Ebri Gubman e committed po da development an implementation blo policies, programs, ane services, por mekem stret lor dem human rights principles blo da Convention, en po useh dem Guiding Principles lo wok bor dempla.

The Strategy recognises that intersectionality and diversity is important.

To improve supports for First Nations people with disability, governments are implementing the Strategy together with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

Dis Strategy recognises dat intersectionality en diversity i important.

Po meke dem sapots blo First Nations people uda gad disability more beta, gubman go implement da Strategy tugeda weya da National Agreement on Closing da Gap.

19.0To find out more visit ADS Hub website.Po paindaut mo, bisit da ADS Hub website. Esso.

Video duration 4:14
SCNEnglishTorres Strait Creole / Yumplatok
IntroWe have committed to regular reporting on how we are progressing.Wi bi commit po gad regular reporting po sow wiskain mipla progressing.

We want to be transparent about how outcomes are changing for people with disability.

Let’s talk about some activities that have been done or are in progress to implement the Strategy.

Mipla wande bi transparent abaut wiskain wi seinze’ dem outcomes po pipel uda gad disability.

Kam wi go tok baut sam dem activities mipla bin olredi mekem en demwan wi nily redi po mekem po implement da Strategy.


The Australian Government developed the Good Practice Guidelines for Engaging with People with Disability.

This guide helps government and non-government organisations to improve their engagement activities to better support the participation and inclusion of people with disability.

Da Australian Government bi develop wan Good Practice Guideline po Engage lo ol pipel uda gad disability.

Dis guide elpe ol government en non-government organisations po meke engagement activities blo dempla mo beda, so ol ken sapot dem pipel uda gad disability po bi included en participate mo.

3.0Targeted Action Plans (TAPs) apply an intensive focus over one to three years to achieve specific actions that improve outcomes for people with disability.Targeted Action Plans (TAPs) apply mina intensive focus oba wan tu three years po achieve specific actions wannem go improve dem outcomes po people weya disability.
3.1The first five TAPs focus on employment, community attitudes, early childhood, safety, and emergency management. Annual reports are developed yearly on how actions are progressing.Dem first five TAPs focus lo employment, community attitudes, early childhood, safety, ane emergency management. Annual reports are developed ebri year po sow wannem progress dem actions bi gad.

Associated Plans are plans developed by other Commonwealth government agencies that link to the Strategy.

Associated Plans provide a more coordinated, long-term approach to how governments work to improve outcomes for people with disability.

All Associated Plans should clearly identify how they contribute to achieving the outcomes of the Strategy.

Associated Plans, e dem plans wane ol nada Commonwealth government agencies uda linked po da Strategy – sah dempla bi mekem.

Demwan po lau em so e go gad mo coordinated, long-term approach po wiskain governments gor wok po improve outcomes po pipel wer disability.

Yu ken luk wannem dempla mekem po achieve dem outcomes blo da Strategy weya dem Associated Plans.


The Outcomes Framework tracks the changes in outcomes that are happening over time for people with disability and tells us if outcomes are improving.

This includes collecting data on outcomes for people with disability for areas discussed in Video 2.

Da Outcomes Framework po track wiskain dem autcomes e seinz oba taim, en sow mipla ip dem autcomes bi improve.

We collect’eh ol data baut dem autcomes areas wi bi tok baut lo Video 2.

5.1The Outcomes Framework webpages are an interactive and accessible reporting website launched on 14 December 2022. Data on the webpages is updated quarterly when new data is available.Wi bi meke wan Outcomes Framework webpage on 14th of December 2022, em wan interactive en accessible reporting website. Data lo dem webpages e updated quarterly ip i gad eni new data.
5.2Annual Outcomes Framework reports are published on the webpages and show what progress is being made against each Outcomes Area.Annual Outcomes Framework reports i published lo da webpages en sow wannem progress i bi mekem against ebri dem Outcomes Area.
6.0We are committed to collecting and sharing relevant data to support monitoring and reporting of outcomes for people with disability to drive change.Po meke ol positive changes, wi gor gather an seya impotant information po kip track en report abaut dem outcomes po pipul uda gad disability.
6.1The aim of the Strategy Data Improvement Plan is to develop and collect data about the experience and outcomes of people with disability so we can see how outcomes are improving.

E gad wan special plan, em kol da Strategy Data Improvement Plan.

Goal blo dis plan e po collect information abaut wannem ol pipel uda gad disabilities i mekem en how dempla going, so wi ken luk ip tings i getting beda.


Building the evidence base is a key part of the Strategy.

The Strategy supports disability research and building the evidence base.

The National Disability Research Partnership or the Partnership will be important in promoting the use of evidence-informed policy and practice.

Building da evidence base e wan key pat blo da Strategy.

Da Strategy sapot’eh ol disability research en building da evidence base.

Da National Disability Research Partnership go bi important po sow wiskain yu ken useh ol evidence-informed policy en practice.

7.1Other activities helping to build evidence is the First Peoples Disability Network engaging an independent consultant to support the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the National Disability Footprint.Ol nada activities wannem go elp po build’eh evidence i da First Peoples Disability Network. Dempla wok lo wan independent consultant po sapot da ongoing monitoring en evaluation blo da National Disability Footprint.
7.2The Northern Territory also completed an evaluation of its EmployAbility Strategy 2018-22 in 2023.In 2023, da Northern Territory bin also meke wan evaluation of em EmployAbility Strategy 2018 tu 2022.
8.0Strong Governance arrangements have been key to supporting the effective implementation of the Strategy and include the Advisory Council who provides independent advice to Australian governments and disability ministers on the implementation of the Strategy.Strong Governance arrangements bi mina elp po sapot’e da effective implementation blo da Strategy diswan bin include da Advisory Council uda bi provide independent advice po Australian governments en disability ministers, abaut wiskain ol ken implement da Strategy.
8.1We also engage with a forum of Disability Representative Organisations who provide advice on issues under the Strategy. This includes First Peoples Disability Network, the national peak organisation for First Nations people with disability.Mipla also engage en tok lo wan forum of Disability Representative Organisations - da First Pipels Disability Network, eme da national peak organisations po First Nations pipel uda gad disability. Dempla gibe mipla advice abaut ol issues anda da Strategy.
9.0All Strategy documents are available on the dedicated Strategy Hub on the Disability Gateway website including the latest reports and key deliverables.Ebri dem documents blo da Strategy e deya lo da Disability Gateway website, yu go luk wan dedicated Strategy Hub deya isaid en em go gad dem latest reports ane key deliverables. Esso.

NT Kriol ( Eastside) with English text

Video duration 3:35
SCNEnglishNT Kriol (Eastside)
1.0Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy) promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 tu 2031 - dijan wi go garra kolum dijan Strategy.

Da Strategy promote dijan values bla melabat rispek, inclusion en equality bikos dijan im rili impotinwan bla melabat national identity.

1.2The Strategy calls on all Australians to make sure that everyone with disability can join in as equal members of society. People with disability could be our brothers and sisters, parents and children, co-workers, partners and friends.Dijan Strategy garra meigum shuwa ebribodi langa Australia garra meigim shuwa jat pipel garrim disability gin joinimin blanga equal members blanga society. Pipel garrim disability jey gin bi braja en jitja, mami en dedi mob en biginini, wek fren, patna en frens.
2.0During the development of the Strategy, lots of people who don’t usually take part in public consultation processes attended the meetings to make sure this Strategy will work and make life better for our mob with disability.Wen wi bi meigim dijan Strategy, bigismob pipel hu nomo yujim public consultation processes bin jidaun langa dem mitings bla meigim shuwa dijan Strategy garra wek tu meigum liaf mo beda bla mela mob garrim disability.
3.0Our responsibility as governments, leaders and citizens is to build a society in which people with disability can participate as equal members with equal opportunities to fulfil their potential.Melabat main responsibility as gabman, leaders en citizens bla buildimap strongwan society so pipel garrim disability gin teigim pat as equal members garrim seim lebul opportunities tu mitim melabat potential.
4.0For this Strategy to work we need everybody in the community to take part and act, because we have to work together to make sure that everybody feels included and can have a good life.Ba dijan Strategy bla wek melabat nid ola komyuniti mob bla teigim pat en act, bikos mela garra wek gija dijan bla meigum shuwa nobodi gin bi leftat en olabat gin abum gud laif.
5.0People with disability said that more focus should be on housing, safety, working, education, health and good attitude in their community. So those are the outcomes that the Strategy focuses on.Pipel garrim disability bin tok en rigin jat bla mo luginat langa housing, safety, working, education, helth en abum gudwan attitude langa melabat komyuniti. Dijan nau, em ola goal jat dijan Strategy luginat.
6.0We have good processes in place to measure and evaluate the outcomes.Wi abum gudwan wei bla measure en evaluate da atkams.
7.0This Strategy recognises the human rights of people and aims to remove barriers so people with disability can be active in our community.Dijan Strategy im sabe da human rights of pipul en trai bla teigim at barriers so pipul garrim disability gin tek pat melabat community.
8.0Throughout the life of the Strategy, policies and programs will be developed with an intersectional and diversity lens. This will ensure people can access tailored resources, services and supports.Wail dijan Strategy in ples, jei garra meigum policies en programs garrim intersectional en diversity lens. Dijan im meigim shuwa ola pipul ebriwan no meda olabat race, class or gender gin gajim tailored resources, sebis en supports.
9.0Under the Strategy and Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, the Australian Government is committed to creating policies and programs that reflect the needs and strengths of First Nations people with disability.Andanith dijan Strategy en Klojing da Gap Implementation Plan, da Australian Gabman is committed bla meigim policies en programs jat showum da nid en strength bla ola blekbala garrim disability.
10.0To achieve the Strategy’s vision, governments are committed to the development of policies, programs, services and systems which reflect the human rights principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).Bla reachim dijan Strategy’s vision, gabman mob are committed tu ja development of policies, programs, sebis en systems jat showum jat human rights principles blanga da United Nations Convention langa da Rights of Persons garrim Disabilities (UN CRPD).

The Guiding Principles are based on Article 3 of the UN CRPD. Governments have

agreed to use these Guiding Principles when developing policies, programs, services and systems.

Da Guiding Principles rul bla based on Article 3 of the UN CRPD. Governments mob bin agri

bla yujim Guiding Principles rul wen dei bin meigim policies, programs, sebis en systems.

12.0It is vital that business, the non-government sector and the broader community also consider how they can apply these principles.Im reli impotan wan jat non-gabman sector en najalot mob langa komyuniti labda jinggabat hau dei garra dum dijan principles rul.
13.0You can find out more about how the Strategy is progressing and how we are delivering on the outcome areas in video 2 and other activities in video 3.Yu gin faindat mo bla ebdrijing blanga dijan Strategy en hau im going en how wi meigim ebdriting apen langa bidiyo 2 en najalot activities blanga bidiyo 3.
14.0All of the Strategy documents are available on Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, on the Disability Gateway website, including the latest reports and the key deliverables.Ola information blanga dijan Strategy yu gin faindim langa Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, langa Disability Gateway website, seimtaim yu gin luginat latest reports en da key deliverables.

Video duration 5:55
SCNEnglishNT Kriol (Eastside)

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy) promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.

The Strategy builds on all the good work of the National Disability Strategy 2010–2020 to establish a national approach to improving the lives of people with disability.

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 tu 2031 dijan wi garra kolum dijan Strategy.

Da Strategy promotes dijan values bla melabat rispek, inclusion en equality bikos dijan im rili impotinwan bla melabat national identity.

Dijan Strategy bin buildimap antap langa gudwan wek langa National Disability Strategy 2010 tu 2020 tu meigim wan national approach bla meigim olabat pipul garrim disability laif mo beda.

2.0The outcome areas in the Strategy show where communities, businesses and governments will focus to improve the lives of people with disability.Da atkam area langa dijan Strategy bin jowim weya komyuniti, businesses en governments garra rili luginat bla meigim laif ba pipul garrim disability mo beda.

The Employment and Financial Security Outcome Area aims to create more jobs and career opportunities.

We want people with disability to have income and financial security to allow them to plan for their future, make their own choices and have control over their lives.

Tharran Employment en Financial Security Atkam Area bi aim bla meigim mo jobs en career opportunities.

Mela wandim pipul garrim disabiiity bla abum income en financial security bla abum bla plan langa jeya future, meigim jeya ron tjois en abum control langa jeya own laif.

4.0We are focussing on helping young people with disability to find suitable jobs after they finish their studies, enabling financial independence and security.Mela rili luganat album yang pipul garrim disability bla faindim bat gudwan job wen jei garra finish their studies, albulmat financial independence en security.
5.0The Inclusive Homes and Communities Outcome Area states how very important it is for people to be able to live in well-designed, accessible homes that they can afford.Da Inclusive Homes en Communities Atkam Area bin sei im reli impotinwan bla pipul garra lib langa gudwan design haus en esiwan bla gu insaid jat dei ken buyim bla low prais.
6.0Community shops, businesses and recreational venues must also be accessible for people with disability so that they can go to work and socialise and lead a fulfilled life.Community shops, businesses en ola rec centa ples labta bi esiwan bla gu insaid ba pipul garrim disability so dijan gin album im olabat bla gu wek en mitap garra fren mob bla meigim full laip bla olabat.

It’s important that people with disability can make their own choices and have control about where they live, who they live with, and who comes into their home.

People with disability need to be able to access different environments and get out and about and visit people and places in their community.

It is also important that people with disability can contact the right people for reliable information.

Im rili impotanwan bla olabat garrim disability bla meigim ron tjois en manajim ron ause, en hu gin lib garra dem, en weya jei garrim lib en hu jei garra lau kam bisit dem.

Olabat labta gu insaid dipren dipren ples en gidaran komyniti esi wei bla bisit ola famili en fren mob.

Im rili impotan wan jat pipul garrim disability gin tok tok bat najalot rait mob bla gajim rait information.


The Safety, Rights and Justice Outcome Area states that people with disability have the same rights as people without disability.

All people should always feel safe!

Da Safety, Rights en Justice Atkam bin tok jat pipul garrim disability tridim seim wie - seim lebul laiga pipul nomo garrim disability.

Ebdriwan garra fil seif olataim!


We are working to make sure that people with disability have equal access to justice and feel that their rights are supported, up-held and protected.

Discrimination is against the law, but people with disability often feel discriminated against in their daily lives.

We are working to change that!

Mela wekin bla meigim shuwa jat pipul garrim disability abum seim lebil bla gajim justice seim taim fil gudbinji im rait blanga olabat supported, ap-held en protected.

Discrimination im no mo lo im brabli no gud, bat pipul garrim disability fil discriminated against langa jeya liaf.

Mela wek wek ba tjeinj dijan!


We need to make sure people with disability are safe from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, including women and their children.

We are working to provide better responses for those who have experienced trauma.

Mela labta bla meigim shuwa pipul garrim disability olabat seif brom bilens, abuse, neglect en exploitation, en lukaftum gel en biginini tu.

Mela wekin strong bala la meigim beda responses ba olabat pipul hu bin gu thru trauma.

11.0The criminal justice system also needs education to understand and respond correctly to the complex needs and vulnerabilities of people with disability.Da criminal justice system labta lernim bla sabi wanim olabat im bat ting pipul garrim disability nid, en teigim action raitwei.
12.0The Personal and Community Support Outcome Area goal is to make sure people with disability have access to the personal and community specialist disability supports that are needed.Da Personal en Community Support Atkam Area goal im meigim shuwa pipul garrim disability gin gajim da personal en komyuniti specialist disability supports jat jei nidim.
12.1People with disability also need to have access to general public mainstream services and receive support to access assistive technology.Pipul garrim disability garrim abum access tu general public mainstream sebis en gajim support tu gajim assistive technology tu album dem.
12.2We want all people with disability to have access to disability supports, not just those people who are eligible for NDIS.Mela wandim olabat pipul garrim disability bla gajim disability supports, nomo oni jatlot pipul hu rait bla gajim NDIS.

The Education and Learning Outcome Area aim is for people with disability to have better access to formal and informal education.

We are working towards more inclusive education and to create better pathways and accessibility for people with disability to further their education and training.

Tharran Education en Lenimbat Atkam Area gol dijan meigum shuwa pipul garrim disability gin abum mo beda access blanga formal en informal education.

Mela garra wek wek bat blanga abum mo supportive education bla meigum mo esiwan en mo beda ba pipul garrim disability tu kipgon bla study en treining.

14.0We are also working to provide younger children with disability access to high-quality early childhood care and education.Mela stil garra wek wek bla gibit biginini garrim disability, banbai jei gin gajim brabli gudwan early childhood care en education.

Our goal for the Health and Wellbeing Outcome area is for people with disability to have the best possible health and wellbeing throughout their lives.

It’s important that health service providers are ready to meet the needs of people with disability.

Melabat gol ba Helth en Wellbeing Atkam area, im ba pipul garrim disability bla meigum brabli pil gudbinji en gud gabarda bla abum gudwan liaf bla olabat.

Imin impotanwan jat health service mob garra bi redi bla mitim nid bla pipul garrim disability.


Good health and wellbeing, including mental health, is very important for a person’s quality of life.

This is especially important before, during and after disasters or public emergencies.

Bla abum bat gudwan health en helthywan gabarda, imin reli impotinwan bla meigum gudwan laif bla pipul.

Dijan im reli impotanwan en yu garra album bifo en wail en afta jat disasta or public emergencie garra hepin.

16.0This Outcome Area focuses on Community Attitudes and aims to achieving an inclusive society and improving outcomes for people with disability.Dijan Atkam Area brabli luginat Komyuniti Attitudes en aim ba meigum beda ola komyuniti mob jinggabat en bilib, tu meigum mo beda blanga pipul garrim disability.

The community has to have the right attitude!

Communities must be inclusive for people with disability to participate in every aspect of society.

Komyuniti mob garra tinbaut dijan tings gudwei!

Komyuniti mob garra megium shuwa bla includim ola pipul garrim disability gin tek pat gudwei langa society.

17.0The Strategy’s Guiding Principles reflect the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. All governments are committed to the development and implementation of policies, programs, and services, which reflect the human rights principles of the Convention, and to use the Guiding Principles in their work.Da Strategy’s Guiding Principles jowim da principles langa da United Nations Convention langa da Raits blanga Pipul garrim Disabilities. Ola gabman mob garra meigum shuwa bla doim ola policie, program, en sebis dijan im jowim da human rights principles blanga da Convention, en bla yujim da Guiding Principles blanga jey wek.

The Strategy recognises that intersectionality and diversity is important.

To improve supports for First Nations people with disability, governments are implementing the Strategy together with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

Da Strategy im sabi jat intersectionality en diversity imin impotanwan.

Bla meigim support mo beda blanga Blekbala mob garrim disability, gubman mob bin pudem in pleis dijan Strategy gija garrim da National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

19.0To find out more visit ADS Hub website.Bla faindat mo yu gin bisit ADS Hub website.

Video duration 4:05
SCNEnglishNT Kriol (Eastside)
Intro2We have committed to regular reporting on how we are progressing.Mela brabli wandim en gaja raidim regular reports bla hau mela gowin.

We want to be transparent about how outcomes are changing for people with disability.

Let’s talk about some activities that have been done or are in progress to implement the Strategy.

Mela reli wandim bla jowim ebdriting hau bla atkams imin tjeinj blanga pipul garrim disability.

Wal gaman na melabat garra tok abat sam activities jat bin olredi done en imin hepin nau bla pudem in pleis da Strategy.


The Australian Government developed the Good Practice Guidelines for Engaging with People with Disability.

This guide helps government and non-government organisations to improve their engagement activities to better support the participation and inclusion of people with disability.

Da Australian Gubman bin meigim da Good Practice Guidelines ba mitimbat Pipul garrim Disability.

Dijan guide album gabman en non-gabman mob bla meigim beda ola activities bla gibit beda support so pipul garrim disability gin tek pat gudwei.

3.0Targeted Action Plans (TAPs) apply an intensive focus over one to three years to achieve specific actions that improve outcomes for people with disability.Targeted Action Plens (TAPs) min brabli luginat oba wan du thri yiyas blanga gadjim jer gol jat meigim atkams beda ba pipul garrim disability.
3.1The first five TAPs focus on employment, community attitudes, early childhood, safety, and emergency management. Annual reports are developed yearly on how actions are progressing.Da first fibala TAPs brabli luginat wek wek, hau komyuniti jinggabat, lilwan bignini, ba meigim seifwan, en emergency management. Annual reports garra meigim hepin ebdri yiya bla jowim hau ola akshen goin.

Associated Plans are plans developed by other Commonwealth government agencies that link to the Strategy.

Associated Plans provide a more coordinated, long-term approach to how governments work to improve outcomes for people with disability.

All Associated Plans should clearly identify how they contribute to achieving the outcomes of the Strategy.

Tharran najalot Commonwealth gabman agencies jat joinap langa da Strategy bin meigim Associated Plen.

Associated Plen bla gibit mo olagija, long-taim wei bla hau gabman mob wek wek bla meigim mo beda atkam blanga pipul garrim disability.

Ola Associated Plen garra jowim hau jei album tu meigum ola dem ting hepin langa da Strategy.


The Outcomes Framework tracks the changes in outcomes that are happening over time for people with disability and tells us if outcomes are improving.

This includes collecting data on outcomes for people with disability for areas discussed in Video 2.

Da Atkam Framework bolurm ol tjeinj blanga atkam jet bin hepin ola wei thru ba pipul garrim disability.

Dijan imin min jat jei kipim data bla atkam blanga pipul garrim disability langa area olabat tokinat langa Bidiyo 2.

5.1The Outcomes Framework webpages are an interactive and accessible reporting website launched on 14 December 2022. Data on the webpages is updated quarterly when new data is available.Da Atkam Framework webpages imin esibala bla luginat reporting website ola bin meigim langa 14th December 2022. Data langa jat webpages imin updated ebdri 3 manth wen nyuwan data kamat.
5.2Annual Outcomes Framework reports are published on the webpages and show what progress is being made against each Outcomes Area.Annual Atkam Framework reports imin published langa da webpage en jowim wat bin hepin langa itj Atkam Area.
6.0We are committed to collecting and sharing relevant data to support monitoring and reporting of outcomes for people with disability to drive change.Melabat pramis bla gajim en sharimbat data bla support monitoring en reporting bla ola atkam blanga pipul garrim disability.
6.1The aim of the Strategy Data Improvement Plan is to develop and collect data about the experience and outcomes of people with disability so we can see how outcomes are improving.Da goal blanga dijan Strategy Data Improvement Plen bla gajim en sharimbat data abat wanim pipul garrim disability bin gu thru so mela gin luginat hau ola atkam imin gedin beda.

Building the evidence base is a key part of the Strategy.

The Strategy supports disability research and building the evidence base.

The National Disability Research Partnership or the Partnership will be important in promoting the use of evidence-informed policy and practice.

Blanga bildimap da evidence base imin impotanwan pat langa dijan Strategy. Dijan Strategy imin support disability stadi en bildimap da evidence base.

Da National Disability Research Partnarship o maiti da Partnarship garra bi impotanwan bla jowim hau evidence informed policy en practice imin useful.

7.1Other activities helping to build evidence is the First Peoples Disability Network engaging an independent consultant to support the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the National Disability Footprint.Najalot activiti jat album bla bildimap evidence imin kol da First Peoples Disability Network imin yujim wan independent consultant ba support da ongoing luginat en evaluation blanga da National Disability Footprint.
7.2The Northern Territory also completed an evaluation of its EmployAbility Strategy 2018-22 in 2023.In 2023, da Northern Territory bin dum wan evaluation blanga im EmployAbility Strategy 2018 tu 2022.
8.0Strong Governance arrangements have been key to supporting the effective implementation of the Strategy and include the Advisory Council who provides independent advice to Australian governments and disability ministers on the implementation of the Strategy.Strong Governance arrangements im impotantwan pat bla supporting hau olabat pudim in ples da Strategy imin include da Advisory Council hu gibit independent advice tu Australian gabman en disability ministers abat hau ba meigim dijan Strategy wek.
8.1We also engage with a forum of Disability Representative Organisations who provide advice on issues under the Strategy. This includes First Peoples Disability Network, the national peak organisation for First Nations people with disability.Mela mitap garra forum garrim Disability Representative Organisations bla gibit advice abat issues anda dijan Strategy. Dijan imin include First Peoples Disability Network, da national peak organisation ba First Nations pipul garrim disability.
9.0All Strategy documents are available on the dedicated Strategy Hub on the Disability Gateway website including the latest reports and key deliverables.Ola Strategy documents yu gin faindem langa da dedicated Strategy Hub langa da Disability Gateway website imin include ola reports en impotanwan deliverables.

Kimberley Kriol with English text

Video duration 3:36
SCNEnglishKimberley Kriol
1.0Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy) promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-31 promotes respect, inclusion and equality ee all important wun for our national identity.
1.2The Strategy calls on all Australians to make sure that everyone with disability can join in as equal members of society. People with disability could be our brothers and sisters, parents and children, co-workers, partners and friends.Dijun Strategy wanna makem sure everybody gutta disability kin join in as equal members of society. People gutta disability kin be our brothers and sisters, parents and kids, people work gutta, partners an friends.
2.0During the development of the Strategy, lots of people who don’t usually take part in public consultation processes attended the meetings to make sure this Strategy will work and make life better for our mob with disability.When government bin createm bud this strategy, dey bin talk la big mob people who don’t ga la meeting much, but who still go la meeting, to makem sure dis Strategy ill work and makem life more better blah Aboriginal people gutta disability.
3.0Our responsibility as governments, leaders and citizens is to build a society in which people with disability can participate as equal members with equal opportunities to fulfil their potential.Government, leaders, and citizens all guttem responsibility to build a society where people gutta disability kin join in as equal members gutta equal opportunities to makem derwun life goodwun.
4.0For this Strategy to work we need everybody in the community to take part and act, because we have to work together to make sure that everybody feels included and can have a good life.For dijun Strategy to work, we needem everybody la community to take part and act. We wanna work together to makem sure everybody feels included and kin havem good wun life.
5.0People with disability said that more focus should be on housing, safety, working, education, health and good attitude in their community. So those are the outcomes that the Strategy focuses on.People gutta disability bin say dat housing, safety, working, education, health and good wun attitude la community ee important blah dat Strategy to focus on. So dijun Strategy ee gonna go that way to achieve it.
6.0We have good processes in place to measure and evaluate the outcomes.We guttem goodwun system to measure showem how well these outcome areas are being met.
7.0This Strategy recognises the human rights of people and aims to remove barriers so people with disability can be active in our community.Dijun Strategy recognises human rights blah people and aims to help people gutta disability be more active la our community.
8.0Throughout the life of the Strategy, policies and programs will be developed with an intersectional and diversity lens. This will ensure people can access tailored resources, services and supports.While dijun Strategy is in action, rules and programs ill be developed gutta wide range of people, groups and organizations in mind to makem sure people kin get services and support to helpem dem.
9.0Under the Strategy and Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, the Australian Government is committed to creating policies and programs that reflect the needs and strengths of First Nations people with disability.Djiun Strategy, along gutta dat Closing the Gap Plan, dat Australian Government wanna makem rules and programs dat kin helpem Indigenous people gutta disability.
10.0To achieve the Strategy’s vision, governments are committed to the development of policies, programs, services and systems which reflect the human rights principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).To makem sure dis Strategy works, all governments wanna createm rules, programs, services and systems dat are based la dat human rights principles blah the United Nations Convention blah the rights of person gutta disability (UN CRPD).
11.0The Guiding Principles are based on Article 3 of the UN CRPD. Governments have
agreed to use these Guiding Principles when developing policies, programs, services and systems.
The Guiding Principles la dis strategy ee based on " Article 3" on dat UN CRPD. Government bin agree to usem diswun Guiding Principles when dey create bud rules, programs, services, and systems to helpem Indigenous people gutta disability.
12.0It is vital that business, the non-government sector and the broader community also consider how they can apply these principles.Ee important wun for businesses, the non-government sector, the whole community should think about these guiding principles and how dey kin usem dem.
13.0You can find out more about how the Strategy is progressing and how we are delivering on the outcome areas in video 2 and other activities in video 3.Video 2 showem you more information on how dat Strategy is going. Video 3 showem otherwun activities.
14.0All of the Strategy documents are available on Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, on the Disability Gateway website, including the latest reports and the key deliverables.All the documents and paperwork bla da Strategy can be found la Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, la the Disability Gateway website.
Spoken by Aboriginal Interpreting WA.

Video duration 5:56
SCNEnglishKimberley Kriol

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy) promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.

The Strategy builds on all the good work of the National Disability Strategy 2010–2020 to establish a national approach to improving the lives of people with disability.

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 to 2031. Dijun Strategy promotem respect, inclusion and equality ee all dah important part blah dat national identity.

Dis Strategy buildem alla goodwun work blah the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 that wannem to improve the lives blah people gutta disability.

2.0The outcome areas in the Strategy show where communities, businesses and governments will focus to improve the lives of people with disability.Dat outcome areas blah dat Strategy shows where communities, businesses and government will focus la to improve the lives blah people gutta disability.

The Employment and Financial Security Outcome Area aims to create more jobs and career opportunities.

We want people with disability to have income and financial security to allow them to plan for their future, make their own choices and have control over their lives.

Dijun outcome area called Employment and Financial Security wanna helpem create more jobs and career opportunities.

The Strategy wanna helpem people gutta disability to have income and to havem financial security. Dijun ill lettem dem plan for the future, makem their ownwun choice and have controle over their lives.

4.0We are focussing on helping young people with disability to find suitable jobs after they finish their studies, enabling financial independence and security.We wanna helpem young people gutta disability to findem jobs after they finish their studies to help them become financially independent and secure.
5.0The Inclusive Homes and Communities Outcome Area states how very important it is for people to be able to live in well-designed, accessible homes that they can afford.Dijun outcome area called Inclusive Homes and Communities explains how ee important ee blah people to be able to live la affordable houses dat are well designed blah their needs.
6.0Community shops, businesses and recreational venues must also be accessible for people with disability so that they can go to work and socialise and lead a fulfilled life.Community shops, businesses and venues, must also be accessible for people gutta disability so dat they kin go la work, hand out gutta friends and lead a fulfilled life.

It’s important that people with disability can make their own choices and have control about where they live, who they live with, and who comes into their home.

People with disability need to be able to access different environments and get out and about and visit people and places in their community.

It is also important that people with disability can contact the right people for reliable information.

Ee important wun dat people gutta disability kin makem their own wun choice blah where they live, who dey with and who come la they camp.

People gutta disability need to be able to get out from house and visitem people and places la their community.

Ee important wun dat people gutta disability kin gettem support and the right wun information.


The Safety, Rights and Justice Outcome Area states that people with disability have the same rights as people without disability.

All people should always feel safe!

Dijun outcome area called Safety, Rights and Justice wannem people gutta disability to havem same rights as people gutta no disability.

Everyone should always feel safe!


We are working to make sure that people with disability have equal access to justice and feel that their rights are supported, up-held and protected.

Discrimination is against the law, but people with disability often feel discriminated against in their daily lives.

We are working to change that!

The strategy wants to makem sure dat people gutta disability havem equal access la justice and feel dat their rights are supported, upheld and protected.

Discrimination ee against the law. But people gutta disability kin feel discriminated against every day.

Thadun Strategy wanna help changem dat!


We need to make sure people with disability are safe from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, including women and their children.

We are working to provide better responses for those who have experienced trauma.

Dis Strategy wanna makem sure children, men and women gutta disability are safeun from violence, abuse, don’t look after, treatem bud people no good way.

Dijun Strategy wanna helpem those people who experience trauma.

11.0The criminal justice system also needs education to understand and respond correctly to the complex needs and vulnerabilities of people with disability.Dat criminal justice system need to be educated to understandem and helpem bud support needs blah people gutta disability.
12.0The Personal and Community Support Outcome Area goal is to make sure people with disability have access to the personal and community specialist disability supports that are needed.Dis Outcome Areal called Personal and Community Support ee to makem sure people gutta disability havem access la personal and community support dat they needem.
12.1People with disability also need to have access to general public mainstream services and receive support to access assistive technology.People gutta disability also need to usem dat service lika every wun else and usem technology to helpem dem.
12.2We want all people with disability to have access to disability supports, not just those people who are eligible for NDIS.We wanna makem sure dat everybody gutta disability kin gettem disability support not just people who gettem bud NDIS.

The Education and Learning Outcome Area aim is for people with disability to have better access to formal and informal education.

We are working towards more inclusive education and to create better pathways and accessibility for people with disability to further their education and training.

The Outcome Area called Education and Learning ee to helpem people gutta disability to gettem better wun education lika school, university or learning fromcommunity.

Dijun Strategy wants to makem sure education more open, supportive, and easier to usem blah people gutta disability to makem better blah education and training.

14.0We are also working to provide younger children with disability access to high-quality early childhood care and education.We wannem young people gutta disability to gettem best early childhood care and education.

Our goal for the Health and Wellbeing Outcome area is for people with disability to have the best possible health and wellbeing throughout their lives.

It’s important that health service providers are ready to meet the needs of people with disability.

Thadun Outcome Area blah Health and Wellbeing ee for people gutta disability to havem good wun health – both physical and mental health – right through their whole life.

Ee important wan dat health services providers to be ready to helpem people gutta disability and their needs.


Good health and wellbeing, including mental health, is very important for a person’s quality of life.

This is especially important before, during and after disasters or public emergencies.

Good wun health, including mental health, ee very important wun for person to live happily.

Good wun health ee proper important before, during and after public emergencies or natural disasters lika flood, bushfire or droughts.

16.0This Outcome Area focuses on Community Attitudes and aims to achieving an inclusive society and improving outcomes for people with disability.Dat Outcome Area called Community Attitudes ee to create a more welcoming society that helpem to improve the lives blah people gutta disability.
16.1The community has to have the right attitude! Communities must be inclusive for people with disability to participate in every aspect of society.Community gutta have the right attitude and wanna be helpful and supportive of people gutta disability to tek part and join in as equal members of society.
17.0The Strategy’s Guiding Principles reflect the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. All governments are committed to the development and implementation of policies, programs, and services, which reflect the human rights principles of the Convention, and to use the Guiding Principles in their work.Dijun Guiding Principles la dis Strategy reflect dat United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons gutta Disabilities. Alla governments la Australia wanna servem the community by following the human rights principles in the United Nations Convention and governments wanna usem dat Guiding Principles in their work.

The Strategy recognises that intersectionality and diversity is important.

To improve supports for First Nations people with disability, governments are implementing the Strategy together with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

The Strategy recognises dat intersectionality and diversity ee importantwan. To helpem improvem dat support blah Indigenous people gutta disability, governments are usem bud Strategy along gutta dat National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
19.0To find out more visit ADS Hub website. Spoken by Aboriginal Interpreting WA.To find out for more, visitem ADS Hub Website. Spoken by Aboriginal Interpreting WA.

Video duration 4:38
SCNEnglishKimberley Kriol
Intro2We have committed to regular reporting on how we are progressing.We wanna check la people if dey think dat Strategy ee doing good or bad.

We want to be transparent about how outcomes are changing for people with disability.

Let’s talk about some activities that have been done or are in progress to implement the Strategy.


Part of dis checking is being open about how dijun outcomes blah people gutta disability are changing.

Lets talk blah sum activities dat we been do first time and blah wat dey doem bud now to implement dis Strategy.


The Australian Government developed the Good Practice Guidelines for Engaging with People with Disability.

This guide helps government and non-government organisations to improve their engagement activities to better support the participation and inclusion of people with disability.

Thatdun Australian Government ee bin develop sum rules, called the Good Practice Guidelines blah engaging people gutta disability. 

Dislot guidelines explain how government and organisations kin helpem give better support la people gutta disability to makem dem feel included more la community. 

3.0Targeted Action Plans (TAPs) apply an intensive focus over one to three years to achieve specific actions that improve outcomes for people with disability.Target Action Plan or TAPS ee special wun plans dat focus la things blah one to three years to makem life better blah people gutta disability. 

The first five TAPs focus on employment, community attitudes, early childhood, safety, and emergency management. Annual reports are developed yearly on how actions are progressing.


Dijun first 5 TAPS ill focus la employment, community attitudes, early childhood, safety and emergency management. Every year we'll writem report to showem how well dijun plan ee working.

Associated Plans are plans developed by other Government agencies that link to the Strategy.

Associated Plans provide a more coordinated, long-term approach to how governments work to improve outcomes for people with disability.

All Associated Plans should clearly identify how they contribute to achieving the outcomes of the Strategy.

Ee guttem Associated Plans dat are plans made by Government agencies dat link la dat Strategy. 

Dislot plans ill help all dah government groups work together better, over a long to makem things better blah people gutta disability.

Every Associated Plan should clearly showem how dey helpem to achieve dijun outcomes la dis Strategy. 


The Outcomes Framework tracks the changes in outcomes that are happening over time for people with disability and tells us if outcomes are improving.

This includes collecting data on outcomes for people with disability for areas discussed in Video 2.

Dijun Outcomes Framework ill measurem how things are changing overtime blah people gutta disability to see if things getting better.

Ee includes collecting information about how people gutta disability are doing in areas talked about in Video 2.

5.1The Outcomes Framework webpages are an interactive and accessible reporting website launched on 14 December 2022. Data on the webpages is updated quarterly when new data is available.The Outcomes Framework guttem website dat showem dat information dat is easy to use. Dijun Outcomes Framework ee bin in place since December 2022, and we updatem bud every 3 months gutta new wun information. 
5.2Annual Outcomes Framework reports are published on the webpages and show what progress is being made against each Outcomes Area. Each year we writtem Annual Outcomes Framework reports dat are put la dis website to showem how progress we're making la each Outcome Area we care blah. 
6.0We are committed to collecting and sharing relevant data to support monitoring and reporting of outcomes for people with disability to drive change.We wanna gatherem and sharem important wun information to keep track how people gutta disability are doing and reportem outcomes to makem things better. 
6.1The aim of the Strategy Data Improvement Plan is to develop and collect data about the experience and outcomes of people with disability so we can see how outcomes are improving. Ee guttem wun plan, called the Strategy Data Improvement Plan, to do dis. The goal blah dis plan is to develop and collectem information blah how people gutta disability are doing so we kin see if things are getting better. 

Building the evidence base is a key part of the Strategy.

The Strategy supports disability research and building the evidence base.

The National Disability Research Partnership or the Partnership will be important in promoting the use of evidence-informed policy and practice.

Building the evidence base is a key part blah the Strategy to collectem information.

Dijun Strategy supports doing research la disability and gatherem bud information about dis. 

To usem dis information to makem better evidence-informed policy and practice, we putem in place the National Disability Research Partnership. 


Other activities helping to build evidence is the First Peoples Disability Network engaging an independent consultant to support the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the National Disability Footprint.


Nother thing dat helpem us gettem information is the First Peoples Disability Network. Thadun First Peoples Disability Network get help from expert to keepem track and judgem dat National Disability Footprint. 
7.2The Northern Territory also completed an evaluation of its EmployAbility Strategy 2018-22 in 2023.Dijun National Territory ee bin look at how well la one of dat plan, the EmployAbility Strategy 2018 to 2022, worked in 2023.
8.0Strong Governance arrangements have been key to supporting the effective implementation of the Strategy and include the Advisory Council who provides independent advice to Australian governments and disability ministers on the implementation of the Strategy.Havem bud Good leadership ee important part of making the Strategy work well.  Part of dis goodwun leadership is listening and asking blah advice. Some of dis advice, given to Australian governments and disability ministers to helpem makem dijun Strategy work, ill be from dat Advisory Council. 
8.1We also engage with a forum of Disability Representative Organisations who provide advice on issues under the Strategy. This includes First Peoples Disability Network, the national peak organisation for First Nations people with disability.A group of Disability Organisations called the Disability Representative Organisation ill also give advice to helpem gutta dat Strategy. Dijun group include the First People Disability Network, were ee represents First Nation People gutta disability across Australia. 
9.0All Strategy documents are available on the dedicated Strategy Hub on the Disability Gateway website including the latest reports and key deliverables.

All the documents and paperwork bla da Strategy can be found la Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, la this Disability Gateway website.

Spoken by Aboriginal Interpreting WA.

Djambarrpuyngu (Yolngu Matha) – with English text

Video duration 4:24
1.0Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy) promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.

Australia-w Disability Dhukwal 2021 ga bala 2031, limurrnydja dhu lakaram duka-nga.

Dhuwal rom, guŋga’yun ga bäki ŋunhiyi ga makmakthun, mel-gurrupan ga dharaŋan mala important gali’ mala bukmakku dharaŋanaraw.

1.2 The Strategy calls on all Australians to make sure that everyone with disability can join in as equal members of society. People with disability could be our brothers and sisters, parents and children, co-workers, partners and friends.

Dhuwandja rom balanya bijtan nhä dhu nhäma djorra’ŋur, djälthirr dhu ŋunhi nhämunha ’walal disability-mirr dhu waŋgany-manapanmirr ga guḏu-manapanmirr.

Yolŋu mala disability-mirr mala gurruṯumirr mala wäwa, yapa, ŋäṉḏi, bäpa, ga djamarrkuḻi’, yolŋu mala ŋunhi limurr li djäma rrambaŋi, dhuway, galay ga ḻundu’mirriŋu mala.

2.0During the development of the Strategy, lots of people who don’t usually take part in public consultation processes attended the meetings to make sure this Strategy will work and make life better for our mob with disability.Ŋunhi walal gan gapman mala djäma dhuwal rom, walal gan waŋan dharrwawal balandawala märr dhu djämamirriyirr ga manymakthirr dhuwal Yolŋuw disability-mirriw.
3.0Our responsibility as governments, leaders and citizens is to build a society in which people with disability can participate as equal members with equal opportunities to fulfil their potential.Gapman, leaders-mala ga citizens-mala bukmak ga ŋayatham responsibility märr dhu buṉbum yindikum yolŋuny wanhal dhu yolŋu disability-mirr waŋgany-manapanmirr ga waŋganydhirr waŋganydhu romdhu.
4.0For this Strategy to work we need everybody in the community to take part and act, because we have to work together to make sure that everybody feels included and can have a good life.

Dhiyak romgu djämamirriyanharaw, limurr djäl bukmak ku communuty-ŋur limurr dhu waŋganydhirr ga djäman yan. 

Limurr djäl limurr dhu djäma rrambaŋi märr dhu bukmak ŋayaŋu djulŋithirr ga nhina manymakkum ga walŋay manymakthu.

5.0People with disability said that more focus should be on housing, safety, working, education, health and good attitude in their community. So those are the outcomes that the Strategy focuses on. Yolŋu ŋunhi disability-mirr ga waŋa bitjan housing, safety, djäma, education, health ga manymak ŋayaŋu community-ŋurnydja important dhiyak romgu 
Ga ŋunhiyin romdja dhu ŋurru-waywayyurr märranharawnydja.
6.0We have good processes in place to measure and evaluate the outcomes. Limurrurruŋ dhuwal manymak rulwaŋdhunawuynydja märr dhu bothurru ’ga guyaŋa nhaltjan dhu dhuwal areas mala manapanmirr.
7.0This Strategy recognises the human rights of people and aims to remove barriers so people with disability can be active in our community. Dhuwal rom dharaŋan ga human rights yolŋuw ga ŋurru-waywayyun ga märr dhu guŋga’yun yolŋuny mala disability-mirriny märr dhu walalaŋ rom ganydjarrmirriyirr limurruŋgal community-ŋur.
8.0Throughout the life of the Strategy, policies and programs will be developed with an intersectional and diversity lens. This will ensure people can access tailored resources, services and supports.Dhuwal rom dharaŋan ga human rights yolŋuw ga ŋurru-waywayyun ga märr dhu guŋga’yun yolŋuny mala disability-mirriny märr dhu walalaŋ rom ganydjarrmirriyirr limurruŋgal community-ŋur.
9.0Under the Strategy and Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, the Australian Government is committed to creating policies and programs that reflect the needs and strengths of First Nations people with disability.Dhuwal rom, maṉḏa Closing the Gap Plan, walal Australian Gapman djäl djämaw policy- malaŋuw ga programs-ku märr dhu guŋga’yun Yolŋuny miṯtjiny disability-mirriny.
10.0To achieve the Strategy’s vision, governments are committed to the development of policies, programs, services and systems which reflect the human rights principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).Dhuwal dhu dhunupayam Strategy works, bukmak gapman djälthirr ga djämaw policy- mala, ga programs-ku, services-ku ga systems mala ŋunhi ga dhärra United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).
11.0The Guiding Principles are based on Article 3 of the UN CRPD. Governments have
agreed to use these Guiding Principles when developing policies, programs, services and systems.

Dhuwal Guiding Principles dhika romŋur a dhärra “Article 3” of the UN CRPD.

Gapmandja yoraman märr dhu bäkin dhuwal Guiding Principles-tja mal ŋunhi walal dhu ga djämany policy-ny mała, programs-tja services-tja ga system-dja märr dhu guŋga’yuna yolŋunhany disability-mirrinhany.

12.0It is vital that business, the non-government sector and the broader community also consider how they can apply these principles.Dhuwal mirithirr important Business-ku, ga non-gapman section ga community-w märr dhu guyaŋa dhuwal Guiding Principles ga nhaltjan walal dhu bäki.
13.0You can find out more about how the Strategy is progressing and how we are delivering on the outcome areas in video 2 and other activities in video 3.

Bittja’ŋur ga milkum 2-ŋur bulu dhäwu ’mala nhaltjan ŋay ga rom marrtji.

Bittja’ŋur ga milkum 3-ŋur wiripu mala djäma.

14.0All of the Strategy documents are available on Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, on the Disability Gateway website, including the latest reports and the key deliverables.Bukmak djämapuy mala ga djorra ’mala dhiyak romgu dhu ḻarrum dhiyal Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, Disability Gateway website-ŋur.

Video duration 7:56

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy) promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.

The Strategy builds on all the good work of the National Disability Strategy 2010–2020 to establish a national approach to improving the lives of people with disability.

Australia-w Disability Dhukwal 2021 ga bala 2031, limurrnydja dhu lakaram duka-nga. Dhuwal rom, guŋga’yun ga bäki ŋunhiyi ga makmakthun, mel-gurrupan ga dharaŋan mala important gali’ mala bukmakku dharaŋanaraw.

Dhuwal rom, nhakun yindikunharaw nhänharaw, ŋal’maram ga ŋäthiliŋulil romlil- ŋunha National Disability Strategy 2010 ga bala 2020-lil djälthin gan manymakkunharaw walŋaw yolŋuw disability-mirriw.

2.0The outcome areas in the Strategy show where communities, businesses and governments will focus to improve the lives of people with disability. Dhuwal outcome areas dhiyak romgu milkum ga wanha communities, businesses ga gapman mala nhäma dhu ga guŋga’yun walŋa yolŋuw disability-mirriw

The Employment and Financial Security Outcome Area aims to create more jobs and career opportunities.

We want people with disability to have income and financial security to allow them to plan for their future, make their own choices and have control over their lives.

Dhuwandja dhunupayam ga Employment ga Financial Security Outcome Area ŋunhi ga djälthirr guŋga’yunaraw märr dhu buku-warkthun dharrwa djäma mala ga gatjpu’ mala djämaw.

Dhuwal rom ga djälthirr guŋga’yunaraw yolŋuw disability-mirriw märr dhu rrupiya ga märram ga rrupiyaw djägamirr. Balanyaranydja walal dhu dhukarrmirriyam walalaŋguwuy yalalaŋumirriw, djäma walalaŋgal djälyu, ga walal dhu control walalaŋguwuy walŋa.

4.0We are focussing on helping young people with disability to find suitable jobs after they finish their studies, enabling financial independence and security.Limurr djäl guŋga’yunaraw yuṯaw yolŋuw disability-mirriw mä dhu djäma walalaŋ maḻŋ’maram ŋunhi walal dhu wukirriŋur dhawar’yurr, märr dhu guŋga’yun walalany walal dhu gänan ga rrupiyaw djäga walalaŋguwuy.
5.0The Inclusive Homes and Communities Outcome Area states how very important it is for people to be able to live in well-designed, accessible homes that they can afford.Dhuwal Outcome Area yäku Inclusive Homes ga Communities yäkuyam ga ŋunhi important ŋayi dhuwal yolŋuw djälgu ga walŋaw ŋayi dhu nhina manymakŋur wäŋaŋur.
6.0Community shops, businesses and recreational venues must also be accessible for people with disability so that they can go to work and socialise and lead a fulfilled life. Community shops-mala, business-mala ga nhakun gym, swimming pool ga wiripuny bittjaw’ nhänharaw, djäma dhu yolŋuw disability-mirriw märr walal dhu ḻundu’mirriŋuwal nhina, ŋayaŋu-ŋamathirr ga djulŋithirr.

It’s important that people with disability can make their own choices and have control about where they live, who they live with, and who comes into their home.

People with disability need to be able to access different environments and get out and about and visit people and places in their community.

It is also important that people with disability can contact the right people for reliable information.

Dhuwal mirithirr important yolŋuw disability-mirriw walal dhu djäma walalaŋguwuy ḻiya wanhal walal dhu nhina, yolkal walal dhu nhina ga yol dhu marrtji walalaŋgal.

Yolŋu disability-mirrnydja dhu dhawaṯthun wäŋaŋur ga marrtji gumurr-watjman gurruṯumirriny walalany ga marrtji ga community-kurr.

Ga important ŋayi dhuwal yolŋuw disability-mirriw ŋayi dhu support märram ga dhunupa dhäwu’ mala.


The Safety, Rights and Justice Outcome Area states that people with disability have the same rights as people without disability.

All people should always feel safe!

Dhuwal goal yäku Safety, Rights and Justice djälthirr ga yolŋuw disability-mirriw balanyaraw bili rights-ku nhakun yolŋu mala ŋunhi yaka disability-mirr.

Bukmak dhu nhina mägaya!


We are working to make sure that people with disability have equal access to justice and feel that their rights are supported, up-held and protected.

Discrimination is against the law, but people with disability often feel discriminated against in their daily lives.

We are working to change that!

Dhuwal rom ga barraŋga’yun märr dhu yolŋu disability-mirr rrambaŋikum yan märr dhu manymakthu nhina ga bitjan guyaŋa ŋunhi walalany ga support.

Discrimination-dja yaka manymak limurruŋgal law-ŋur. Yurr yolŋu disability-mirr dhu ŋayaŋu yätjthirr balanyaray ŋamunhamirriy gakal’yu bitjan bili.

Dhuwal rom ga djälthirr märr dhu guŋga’yun balanyalil!


We need to make sure people with disability are safe from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, including women and their children. 

We are working to provide better responses for those who have experienced trauma.

Dhiyaŋ romdhu dhu guŋga’yun djamarrkuḻi’, ḏirramu ga miyalk disability-mirr ga nhina mägaya violence ga abuse-ŋur.

Dhuwal rom ga djälthirr guŋga’yunaraw yolŋu’yolŋuw ŋunhi ga nhina trauma-mirr.

11.0The criminal justice system also needs education to understand and respond correctly to the complex needs and vulnerabilities of people with disability.Dhuwal criminal justice systems walal dhu marŋgi gurrupan ga ŋayaŋu dhunupayirr ga guŋga’yun support djälgu yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirriw.
12.0The Personal and Community Support Outcome Area goal is to make sure people with disability have access to the personal and community specialist disability supports that are needed.Dhuwal goal yäku Personal ga Community Support-tja dhu djäga ga yolŋuw disability-mirriw märr dhu gulŋiyirr balayi personal ga community support-lil.
12.1People with disability also need to have access to general public mainstream services and receive support to access assistive technology. Yolŋu’yolŋu disability-mirrnydja mala ga djäl muka walal dhu bäki bilanya mal services nhakun wiripuwurr mala yolŋu ga bäki technology mala guŋga’yunaraw ga marŋgithinyaraw.
12.2We want all people with disability to have access to disability supports, not just those people who are eligible for NDIS.Limurr djäl djägaw bukmakku gu disability-mirriw. Yaka yan NDIS clients gu, limurr djäl bukmak’dhu märram support.

The Education and Learning Outcome Area aim is for people with disability to have better access to formal and informal education.

We are working towards more inclusive education and to create better pathways and accessibility for people with disability to further their education and training. 

Dhuwal outcome area yäku Education ga Learning-dja guŋga’yunaraw yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirriw walal dhu märram manymak education.

Dhuwal rom ga djälthirr dhiyak education-gu märr dhu dhärra open, supportive ga gumurr- yalŋgi’ bäkiw yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirrir.

14.0We are also working to provide younger children with disability access to high-quality early childhood care and education. Limurr djäl yuṯaw yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirriw mala walal dhu märram manymak yan childhood care ga education. 

Our goal for the Health and Wellbeing Outcome area is for people with disability to have the best possible health and wellbeing throughout their lives.

It’s important that health service providers are ready to meet the needs of people with disability.

Dhuwal goal Health ga Wellbeing yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirriw märr dhu manymak yan health gurrupan ga bulu manapan physical ga mental health walalaŋgal walŋaŋur.

Dhuwandja mirithirr important ŋunhi health service gurrupanamirr mala, nhakun hospitals ga clinics, dhärra ga guŋga’yunaraw yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirriw ga djälgu walalaŋ.


Good health and wellbeing, including mental health, is very important for a person’s quality of life.

This is especially important before, during and after disasters or public emergencies.

Manymak health, ga bulu mental health, mirithirr important yolŋuw ŋayi dhu nhina manymakkum.

Manymaktja health dhuwal mirithirr important ŋunhi, balanya nhakun public emergencies ga natural disasters mala nhakun gapuy yindiy dhu ḻupmaram, wo baṉḏany’thirr dhu gapumiriwyirr.

16.0This Outcome Area focuses on Community Attitudes and aims to achieving an inclusive society and improving outcomes for people with disability.Dhuwal goal yäku Community Attitudes-tja dhu bokman gumurr-ŋamathinyamirr rom ŋunhi dhu guŋga’yun walŋa yolŋuyolŋuw disability-mirriw.
16.1The community has to have the right attitude! Communities must be inclusive for people with disability to participate in every aspect of society.Communities-thuny dhu ŋayatham right attitude ga guŋga’yunamirr ga supportive yolŋu’yulŋuw disability-mirriw.
17.0The Strategy’s Guiding Principles reflect the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. All governments are committed to the development and implementation of policies, programs, and services, which reflect the human rights principles of the Convention, and to use the Guiding Principles in their work.

Dhuwal Guiding Principles dhuwal ŋunhi romŋur nhakun United Nations Convention ga dhärra ga Rights of Persons with Disability.

Bukmak gapman mala ga djälthirr walal dhu gurrupan community-ny ŋulakurr dhukarrkurr human rights United Nations Convention ga gapmandja djäthirr ga bäkiw Guiding Principles-ku ŋulakurr bili djämakurr walalaŋgal.

18.0The Strategy recognises that intersectionality and diversity is important.
To improve supports for First Nations people with disability, governments are implementing the Strategy together with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap

Dhiyaŋ romdhu ga dharaŋan ŋunhi intersectionality ga diveristy-ny mirithirr important.

Guŋga’yundja dhu support-tja Indigenous yolŋu’yolŋuny disability-mirriny, gapmandhuny ga bäki Dhuwal rom rrambaŋikum maṉḏany National Agreement of Closing the Gap.

19.0To find out more visit ADS Hub website. 

Ŋunhi dhu bulu maḻŋ’maram dhäwu’ bala marrtji ADS Hub-lil website-lil.

Video duration 6:15
1.0We have committed to regular reporting on how we are progressing. Bitjan bili limuu dhu ga rom nha ga wukirri djorra ‘lil wanhal ngayi ga manymak’dhirr dhuwal djama.

We want to be transparent about how outcomes are changing for people with disability.

Let’s talk about some activities that have been done or are in progress to implement the Strategy.

Limurr djäl limurr dhu lakaranhamirr ga märr-yuwalkthirr ŋunhi ga dhiyaŋ goals-thu guŋga’yun yolŋu’yolŋuny disability-mirriny.

Limurr dhu wanganha’mirr wanhal nhapurr ga bondi djama 


The Australian Government developed the Good Practice Guidelines for Engaging with People with Disability.

This guide helps government and non-government organisations to improve their engagement activities to better support the participation and inclusion of people with disability.

Gapmandja ŋunha ga bokman rom mala, yäku Good Practice Guidelines dhiyak yäkuw Engaging People with Disability.

Dhuwandja guidelines-mala ga lakraam nhaltjan ga gapman ga walalaŋgal non-government organisations dhu guŋga’yun gurrupan manymak support yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirriw märr walal dhu ŋayaŋu ŋamathirr ga waŋganydhirr community-ŋur.

3.0Targeted Action Plans (TAPs) apply an intensive focus over one to three years to achieve specific actions that improve outcomes for people with disability.Dhuwal guide yäku Target Action Plan wo (TAPs).  Dhuwandja ganaŋ’manhawuy djäma mala ŋunhi dhu ga nhäma 1 to 3 years märr dhu walŋa ŋamathjam yolŋu’yoŋuny disability-mirriny.
3.1The first five TAPs focus on employment, community attitudes, early childhood, safety, and emergency management. Annual reports are developed yearly on how actions are progressing. Ŋurruŋu mala 5 TAPS- thuny dhu nhäma: Märram dhu djäma, djambi dhu nhaltjan ga communty-ŋur guyaŋa yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirriw, guŋga’yun djamarrkuḻiny’ disability-mirriny, djäga yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirriw märr walal dhu nhina marrparaŋ ga nhaltjan dhu djäma emergencies. Bitjan bili dhuŋgarra ŋupan limurr dhu wukirri reports mala märr dhu milkum nhaltjan ŋayi ga dhuwal plan djäma.

Associated Plans are plans developed by other Commonwealth government agencies that link to the Strategy.

Associated Plans provide a more coordinated, long-term approach to how governments work to improve outcomes for people with disability.

All Associated Plans should clearly identify how they contribute to achieving the outcomes of the Strategy. 

Dhuwal guide-ŋur ga ŋorra yäku Associated Plans dhuwandja plan Commonwealth gapmanguŋ agencies miṯtjiwuŋ ga walalnydja ga guŋga’yun ŋanydjała’yunmaram balayi Stategy-lil.

Dhiyaŋuny plan-dhu dhu guŋga’yun bukmak gapmannha miṯtjiny djäma rrambaŋi manymakkum weyinnŋumirry märr dhu manymakthirr yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirriw.

Dhuwal Associated Plans mala dhu baṉarra’ yan milkum märr dhu guŋga’yun ga buku ŋayatham wukirriwuy ŋunhi Strategy-ŋur.


The Outcomes Framework tracks the changes in outcomes that are happening over time for people with disability and tells us if outcomes are improving.

This includes collecting data on outcomes for people with disability for areas discussed in Video 2.

Dhuwal guide-ŋur yäku Outcomes Framework, dhuwandja dhu bothurru nhaltjan nhä mala djambi dhuŋgarra ŋupan yolŋu’yolŋuw disability-mirriw.

Dhuwandja ga including, märram marrtji dhäwu’ mala nhaltjan ga yolŋu’yolŋu disability-mirr djäma ŋunhi ga lakaram Video 2-ŋur.

5.1The Outcomes Framework webpages are an interactive and accessible reporting website launched on 14 December 2022. Data on the webpages is updated quarterly when new data is available.Outcomes Framework-ŋurnydja webpages ga milkum dhäruk mala gumurr-yalŋgi’ mala bäkiw. Outcomes Framework-tja website-ŋur beŋur bili December-ŋur 2022 bitjan bili limurr lika yuṯakum ḻurrkun’ mirriy ŋaḻindiy.
5.2Annual Outcomes Framework reports are published on the webpages and show what progress is being made against each Outcomes Area.  Dhuŋgarra ŋupan, limurr li wukirri Outcomes Framework reports mala dhiyal website ŋur ga milkum nhämuny’ progress limurr li djäma ŋunhi area-ŋur ŋuhi limurr mirithirr lika djäga.
6.0We are committed to collecting and sharing relevant data to support monitoring and reporting of outcomes for people with disability to drive change.Limurr djäl märranharaw ga gurrupanaraw dhuwal important dhäwu’ mala märr dhu dhunupa yan ga marrtji yolŋu’yoŋuw ŋunhi disability-mirr walal ga djäma manymak mirithirr.
6.1The aim of the Strategy Data Improvement Plan is to develop and collect data about the experience and outcomes of people with disability so we can see how outcomes are improving.  Dhuwal special plan, yäku Strategy Data Improvement Plan, dhiyak djämaw. goal-nydja dhiyak plan-guny, märram marrtji dhäwu’ mala nhaltjan ga yolŋu’yolŋu disability-mirr nhina märr limurr dhu nhäma nhä ga manymakthirr walalaŋ.

Building the evidence base is a key part of the Strategy.

The Strategy supports disability research and building the evidence base.

The National Disability Research Partnership or the Partnership will be important in promoting the use of evidence-informed policy and practice.

Yindiny ŋayi dhiyak Strategy-w ga marram marrtji dhäwu’ mala ga rom

Dhuwal Strategy ga support djäma research disabilities-mirriny yolŋu’yolŋuny ga dhäwu’ märram dhiyakupuy.

Ga bäck dhu dhuwal dhäwu’ mala märr dhu manymakkum mala law-mala ga policies, ŋupan limurr ga plan yäku National Disability Research Partnership.

7.1Other activities helping to build evidence is the First Peoples Disability Network engaging an independent consultant to support the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the National Disability Footprint.Wiripuny ŋayi dhu guŋga’yun limurruny märram dhäwu’ mala dhuwal First Peoples Disability Network-thuny märram guŋga’yunamirr gaḏamangal balandawal märr dhu ga dhärra ŋunhiliyi bili ga djuwu’-nhäma National Disability Footprint.
7.2The Northern Territory also completed an evaluation of its EmployAbility Strategy 2018-22 in 2023.Northern Territory gapman bili nhäma dhuwalŋunhi manymakthirr ga plan, the EmployAbility Strategy 2018 to 2022, manyakthirr 20ga23.
8.0Strong Governance arrangements have been key to supporting the effective implementation of the Strategy and include the Advisory Council who provides independent advice to Australian governments and disability ministers on the implementation of the Strategy.Mirithirr ḏäl Governance arrangements-tja ŋurrun supporting-gu effective implementation dhiyak Strategy-w ga maanpan ga Advisory Council-nha ŋunhi ga gurrupan ganaŋ’manhawuy dhäruk bala Australian Governments ga disability ministers ŋunhi ga dhärra Implementation of the Strategy.
8.1We also engage with a forum of Disability Representative Organisations who provide advice on issues under the Strategy. This includes First Peoples Disability Network, the national peak organisation for First Nations people with disability.Wiripuny limurr ga dhä-manapan miṯtji Disability Representation Organisations ŋunhi ga gurrupan dhäruk märr-liliyam dhipal Strategy-lil. Dhuwandja ga waŋan-manapan First Peoples Disability Network, dhuwal national peak organisation dhiyak First Nations People disability-mirr.
9.0All Strategy documents are available on the dedicated Strategy Hub on the Disability Gateway website including the latest reports and key deliverables.Bukmak Strategy documents-mala available dhuwal Strategy Hub-ŋur Disability Gateway website-ŋur ga yuṯa report mala ga ŋurru mala dhäwu’

Pitjantjatjara with English text

Video duration 4:41

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 to 2031, we’re just going to call it the Strategy.

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 nguru 2031, nganana panya ini tjunanyi wangkanyi ka Strategy.

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 nguru 2031 ngarapa panya nganampa-ku panya wiru ngaranytja, tjukaru munu palya mulapa, yaalitja uwankara wiru pulka mulapa ngarama panya nganampa munu national-waltja-ku.


The Strategy calls on all Australians to make sure that everyone with disability can join in as equal members of society.

People with disability could be our brothers and sisters, parents and children, co-workers, partners and friends.

Nyangatja Strategy, panya tjukurpa tjunkutja alatji, ka paluru tjana mukuring uwankara panya disability tjata tjunuring panya paluru tjana waltja nyarantjagku members panya society kulu.

Anangu panya disability tjata tjinguru ngara-ma nganampa kuta munu kangkuru, mama nguntytju ngarama munu tjitji, anangu’s nganana warka palyalapa tjunu, kuri munu malpas kulu kulu.

2.0During the development of the Strategy, lots of people who don’t usually take part in public consultation processes attended the meetings to make sure this Strategy will work and make life better for our mob with disability.Tjana governments tjuta panya palyanyi Strategy, nyangatja, tjana tjutaungku wangkapa panya wiru mulapa nyaruntjagku Strategy nyangatja panya tjukaru nyaruntjaku munu palya ngara-ma Anangu tjuta ku panya disability tjata.
3.0Our responsibility as governments, leaders and citizens is to build a society in which people with disability can participate as equal members of society with equal opportunities to fulfil their potential.Government, mayatjas, munu ngura_ritja tjuta paluru tjanampa ngaranyi pulkauntjaku panya society yaaltji Anangu disability tjata panya kutju kutju members ngara-ma tjuna kutjapa tjuta ngarama kulu kulu.
4.0For this Strategy to work we need everybody in the community to take part and act. Because we have to work together to make sure that everybody feels included and can have a good life.Ka strategy ngangatja panya warkaring, nganana mukuring uwankara community nguru panya tjungu ngarama munu mula mula ngara. Nganana mukuringanyi tjungu warka wiru ngarantjaku panya palyanyi uwankara tjungu munu wiru mulapa ngaruntja tjanampa-ku.
5.0People with disability said that more focus should be on housing, safety, working, education, health and good attitude in their community. So those are the outcomes that the Strategy focuses on.Anangu panya disability tjata wangkangu wali tjata, safety, warkaring, education, health munu wiru ngarapa tjana community-ngka panya wiru mulapa ngarapa tjanala panya strategy panya wiru ngarantjaku. Ka Strategy alatji ngaranyi panya wiru ngaruntjaku kunpu!
6.0We have good processes in place to measure and evaluate the outcomes.Nganana kanyini system wiru panya ngakuntjaku munu ngukani ka yaaltji yaaltji tjana wiru ngarama nyananga ara kutjupa tjuta.
7.0This Strategy recognises the human rights of people and aims to remove barriers so people with disability can be active in our community.Ka Strategy nyanganyi Anangu-ku rights panya tjutaku munu alpamilanyi disability-tjata communityingka nyinapa tjutjaku.
8.0While the Strategy is in action, policies and programs will be developed with a wide range of people, groups, and organisations to make sure people can get access to tailored resources, services and supports to help them.Ka Strategy kuwari mula mula ngaranyi, policies munu programs tjana pakani Anangu uwankara, munu organisations palyanyi panya palu tjana mantjinyi service-ku munu support-ku alpa-ku tjanampauku.
9.0Under the Strategy and Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, the Australian Government is committed to creating policies and programs that reflect the needs and strengths of First Nations people with disability.Ka Strategy, nyanatja tjungu ngayrinyi Closing panya Gap plan, Australian Government mukuring policies munu programs palyauntjaku panya alpamilanyi Anangu disability tjata tjuta.
10.0To achieve the Strategy’s vision, governments are committed to the development of policies, programs, services and systems which reflect the human rights principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).Ka panya nyananyi palya wiru mulapa ngarantjaku, governments uwankara mukuring policies ngarantjaku, program, services, munu system panya ngaranyi human rights principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).

The Guiding Principles are based on Article 3 of the UN CRPD. Governments have

agreed to use these Guiding Principles when developing policies, programs, services and systems that can help people with disability.

Ka Guiding Principles ngaranyi Strategy nyanatja alatji ngaraku Article 3 ngaranyi UN CRPD. Governments tjuta wangkara palyanu nyanga Guiding principles tjana panya palyanyi policies, programs, services, munu systems panya alpamilani Anangu tjuta panya disability tjata.
12.0It is vital that business, the non-government sector and the broader community also consider how they can apply these principles.Ka nyanatja pulka mulapa businesses, ka non-government sector munu community panya kulintjaku Guiding Principles munu tjana yarltji yartji ngara-ma.
13.0Video 2 shows you more information on how the Strategy is progressing and delivering on the outcome areas and video 3 shows other activities.

Video kujara nintinyi nyuntu tjukurpa panya yaaltji yaaltji Strategy tjata rawa ngarama.

Video mun kupai nintinyi-pa kutjupa tjuta ngaranyi.

14.0All of the Strategy documents are available on Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, on the Disability Gateway website, including the latest reports and the key deliverables.Uwankara panya Strategy nyiri munu reports tjuta munu key unkupai panya ngaranyi Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, on the Disability Gateway Website punka.

Video duration 7:36

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy) promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.

The Strategy builds on all the good work of the National Disability Strategy 2010–2020 to establish a national approach to improving the lives of people with disability.

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 nguru 2031, nganana panya ini tjunanyi wangkanyi Strategy. Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 nguru 2031 ngarapa panya nganampa-ku panya wiru ngaranytja, tjukaru munu palya mulapa, yaalitja uwankara wiru pulka mulapa ngarama panya nganampa munu national-waltja-ku.

Ka Strategy, mukuring national nyiri, panya palyanyi nganmany(pa) ngaranytja National Disability Strategy 2010 nguru 2020 palya mukuringanyi wiru palyantjaku panya Anangu disability tjata tjuta-ku.

2.0The outcome areas in the Strategy show where communities, businesses and governments will focus to improve the lives of people with disability.Ka urilda ngura tjuta nguru panya unngu Strategy nyintilpa yarltji ngarapa communities, businesses munu governments wiru panya ngarapa munu palyanyi panya Anangu disability tjata tjuta-ku.

The Employment and Financial Security Outcome Area aims to create more jobs and career opportunities.

The Strategy wants people with disability to have income and financial security to allow them to plan for their future, make their own choices and have control over their lives.

Ka goals wangkapa Employment munu Mani atunymanianyi Security urilda nguru panya mukuring alpa jobs winki munu career tjutaku ngarantjaku.

Ka Strategy alpa mukuring anangu disability tjata tjuta mani waltja kanyintjaku munu mani atunymanianyi security nguru. Nyangatja panya ngarapa tjanampa kulinitja panya ngula-ku, tjanana waltja kulintjaku tjanampa, munu atunymarianyi tjana waltjaungku.

4.0We are focussing on helping young people with disability to find suitable jobs after they finish their studies, enabling financial independence and security.Nganana mukuringanyi alpamilanyi Anangu panya disability tjata tjuta panya warka muntjintjaku munu studies wiyanyi, panya alpa ngaruntjuku waltja mani nguru munu waltja kutjungku ngaruntjaku munu altunymanianyi waltja.
5.0The Inclusive Homes and Communities Outcome Area states how very important it is for people to be able to live in well-designed, accessible homes that they can afford.Ka goals Inclusive Homes munu Communities Outcome Area wangkpa yarltji yaltji pulka mulapa panya Anangu tjuta nyinauntjaku wali panya wiru mulapa ngarantjaku munu wali panya wiru palyanyi tjanampaku.
6.0Community shops, businesses and recreational venues must also be accessible for people with disability so that they can go to work and socialise and lead a fulfilled life.Community tjuwas, businesses munu uwankara ngarapa venues panya ngaranyi tjanampa-ku panya Anangu tjata tjuta tjana panya warka-ku ankutjaku munu tjunguringanyi Anangu panya pulkul(pa) ngaranyi.
7.0It’s important that people with disability can make their own choices and have control about where they live, who they live with, and who comes into their home. People with disability need to be able to access different environments and get out and about and visit people and places in their community. It is also important that people with disability can contact the right people for reliable information.Ka nyanatja pulka mulapa panya Anangu disability tjata tjuta-ku tjana palya wangkanyi waltjaungku munu wankanyi yarltji yaltji ngura nyinama, tjana ngura nganala nyinama, munu ngananya tjana pitja-ma ngura-kutu. Anangu panya disability tjanampa ngaranyi panya urilda-kutu angkuntjaku. Anangu panya disability, tjata tjukurpa tjukara.
8.0The Safety, Rights and Justice Outcome Area states that people with disability have the same rights as people without disability. All people should always feel safe!Ka Safety, Rights munu Justice Outcome Areas mukuringanyi anangu panya disability tjata panya paluru ngaranytja rights tjata. Uwankara uti panya titutjara ngarama safe!
9.0The Strategy is working to make sure that people with disability have equal access to justice and feel that their rights are supported, up-held and protected. Discrimination is against the law, but people with disability often feel discriminated against in their daily lives. The Strategy is working to change that!Ka Strategy mukuranyi panya tjana Anangu disability tjata tjutu wiru ngarama tjanampa-ku panya justice nguru munu tjanampa rights panya atunymangu munu atunymanianyi tjananya. Discrimination panya ngaranyi kura kura tjata law nguru, Anangu panya disability tjata kulini tjanampa kuranyi tjintu kutjupa kutjupa. Ka Strategy mukuring kutjupangku palatja!
10.0The Strategy needs to make sure people with disability are safe from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, including women and their children. The Strategy is working to provide better responses for those who have experienced trauma.Ka Strategy mukuringanyi panya tjitji-ku, wati munu minyma panya disability tjata safe ngarama pikati munu kura kura nguru. Ka Strategy mukuring panya wiru mulapa ngarantjaku panya kanyini kura palantja nguru.
11.0The criminal justice system also needs education to understand and respond correctly to the complex needs and vulnerabilities of people with disability.Ka criminal justice system ngaranyi panya nintinyi tjana kulintjaku munu alpa ngarama support-ku panya Anangu disability tjata.
12.0The Personal and Community Support Outcome Area goal is to make sure people with disability have access to the personal and community specialist disability supports that are needed.Ka Personal munu Community Support Outcome Area goal wangkapa tjana panya wiru mulapa mukuring anangu panya disability panya uti mantjima waltja munu community disability specialist altumanyi uti tjana mantjilpa.
12.1People with disability also need to have access to general public mainstream services and receive support to access assistive technology.Anangu panya disability tjata panya nintirinanyi services-ku panya kutjupa tjuta purunapa munu kanyinyi technology alpa ngaruntja-ku.
12.2We want all people with disability to have access to disability supports, not just those people who are eligible for NDIS.Nganana mukuringanyi uwankara panya disability tjata untuni diability tjutaku tjana kutja wiya panya NDIS tjata kutja.
13.0The Education and Learning Outcome Area aim is for people with disability to have better access to formal and informal education. We are working towards more inclusive education and to create better pathways and accessibility for people with disability to further their education and training.Ka Education munu Nintirinanyi Outcome Area goal wangkapa panya alpamilanyi Anangu disability tjata panya education wiru mulapa mantjini. Ka Strategy mukuring panya education ala ngarantjaku, altumanyi, munu wiru panya Anangu disability tjata tjuta ngarantja-ku panya education munu training ungu.
14.0We are also working to provide younger children with disability access to high-quality early childhood care and education.Nganana kulu kulu mukuring tjitji mala tjuta panya disability tjata tjana kulu nganmantju wiru nintirinanyi tjitjihood care-ku munu education.
15.0Our goal for the Health and Wellbeing Outcome area is for people with disability to have the best possible health and wellbeing throughout their lives. It’s important that health service providers are ready to meet the needs of people with disability.Ka goal nyanatja Health munu Wellbeing Outcome Area panya ngaranyi anangu disability tjata tjuta panya health wiru ngaruntjaku ngarama health – panya kutjara munu mental health - tjanampa rawa mulapa ngaruntjaku. Ka nyanatja pulka mulapa ngaranyi health service tjuta kulu kulu ngarama, panya hospital munu clinics, panya alpa munu ila ngarantjaku disability tjata tjutaku.
15.1Good health and wellbeing, including mental health, is very important for a person’s quality of life. This is especially important before, during and after disasters or public emergencies.Health wiru munu wellbeing, tjungunyi mental health, panya pulka mulapa ngaranyi anangu lipula ngaruntjaku, waltja-ku. Health wiru panya pulka mulalpa nganmuntju ngarapa, munu malaungka ka public emergencies panya natural disasters panya uru pulka, waru kampatja, munu ailuru.
16.0This Outcome Area focuses on Community Attitudes and aims to achieving an inclusive society and improving outcomes for people with disability.Nyangatja Outcome Area nyaakapa Community-ku wiru Ngaruntjaku panya palyanyi ultinyi tjananya panya alpa wiru ngaranytjaku Anangu panya disability tjata tjutaku.
16.1The community has to have the right attitude! Communities must be inclusive for people with disability to participate in every aspect of society.Ka community panya wiru ngarantja-ku ngaranyi! Communities alpa panya ngarantja-ku ngaranyi palumpa tjanampa munu altumanyi panya Anangu disability tjata tjutaku tjana panya ngarama rawa kutjupa tjuta-ku.
17.0The Strategy’s Guiding Principles reflect the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. All governments are committed to the development and implementation of policies, programs, and services, which reflect the human rights principles of the Convention, and to use the Guiding Principles in their work.Ka Strategy’s Guiding Principles panya ngarapa panya principles Strategy panya ngaranyi United Nations Convention panya Rights-ku Anangu panya Disabilities tjata. Governments uwankara panya ngaranyi pany tjunanyi munu policy tjukaru nyaruntjaku, programs, munu services, munu nintilpa panya human rights principles of the Convention, munu nyananyi Guiding Principles panya warka unngu nguru.

The Strategy recognises that intersectionality and diversity is important.

To improve supports for First Nations people with disability, governments are implementing the Strategy together with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

Ka Strategy nyananyi panya Anangu kutjupungku-tjaku munu katjapa panya pulka mulapa. Ka panya altumanyi munu palyanyi Anangu Indigenous tjata-ku panya disability tjatu tjuta, governments tjana tjungunyi Strategy panya National Agreement ungku(pa) panya Closing Gap-kutu.
19.0To find out more visit ADS Hub website.Ka nyawa panya tjukurpa tjuta nyawa ADS Hub website.

Video duration 5:48
SCNVO EnglishPitjantjatjara
1.0We have committed to regular reporting on how we are progressing.Nganana panya kanyini kulu kulu rawa report-ku yaaltji yaaltji nganana wiru palyanyi.
1.1We want to be transparent about how outcomes are changing for people with disability. Let’s talk about some activities that have been done or are in progress to implement the Strategy.Nganana mukuring panya ula ngaruntjaku munu mula mula panya goals yaalltji alpa ngarama, tjingaru alpa wiya, Anangu disability tjata. Nganana panya wangka-ma activities tjata palyanyi panya ngaruntjaku Strategy.
2.0The Australian Government developed the Good Practice Guidelines for Engaging with People with Disability. This guide helps government and non-government organisations to improve their engagement activities to better support the participation and inclusion of people with disability in their community.Ka Australian Government tjana tjunu kutjupa tjuta rules, ini Good Practice Guidelines tjungunyi anangu panya disability tjata. Ka guide wangkapai yaaltji yaaltji government munu non-government organisations panya alpa ngarama munu unganyi wiru support-ku panya Anangu disability tjata tjuta tjananmpa wiru mulapa ngaruntjaku panya unngu rawa community-ngka.
3.0The guide has Targeted Action Plans (TAPs). The plans apply an intensive focus over one to three years to achieve specific actions that improve outcomes for people with disability.Ka guide nyanatja ini ngaranyi Targeted Action Plans - TAPs. Ka nyanatja plan mula mula ngarapa panya kutjupa kutjupa tjuta 1 to 3 years kutu panya wiru nyarantjaku tjanampa anangu disability tjata.
3.1The first five TAPs focus on: employment, community attitudes, early childhood, safety, and emergency management. Annual reports are developed yearly on how actions are progressing.Ka kutju 5 TAPS panya ngarapa: warka mantjiku, kutjapanyi panya yaaltji yaaltji communities tjutaungku kulini Anangu disability tjata, alpamilanyi tjitji disability tjata, tjungu kanyini anangu disability safe munu kanyini emergencies. Year kutjapa tjuta nganana walka tjunka(pa) reports panya nintinyi plans ngaruntjuku yarltji yarltji wiru palu ngarama.
4.0Associated Plans are plans developed by other Commonwealth government agencies that link to the Strategy. Associated Plans provide a more coordinated, long-term approach to how governments work to improve outcomes for people with disability. All Associated Plans should clearly identify how they contribute to achieving the outcomes of the Strategy.Guide nyangatja ngaranyi kutjupa ini Associated Plans, nyangatja plans tjunu panya Commonwealth government agencies malpa tjuta munu tjana alpa ngaranyi Strategy-ku. Nyangatja Associated Plans tjana uwankara alpa ngarapa government malpa tjuta-ku warka tjunanyi wiru nyarantjaku rawa wiru mulapa ngarama Anangu disability tjata. Uwankara Associated Plans uti nintinyi-ma tjananya yarltj yarltji alpa ngarama panya goals-ku munu walka tjunama Strategy.
5.0The Outcomes Framework tracks the changes in outcomes that are happening over time for people with disability and tells us if outcomes are improving. This includes collecting data on outcomes for people with disability for areas discussed in Video 2.Ka Outcomes Framework, tjana nyananyi yaaltji yaaltji kutjupa kutjupa tjuta kutjupanyi ngula panya Anangu disability tjata munu nintinyi nganana panya kutjupa tjuta wiru ngarauntjaku. Nyangatja panya tjungu mantjinyi data outcomes panya anangu disability tjata ara kutjupa tjuta Video kutjatara.
5.1The Outcomes Framework webpages are an interactive and accessible reporting website launched on 14 December 2022. Data on the webpages is updated quarterly when new data is available.Ka Outcomes Framework kanyini webpages panya nintinyi tjurkurpa panya witu-witu wiya, munu panya ngarapa website punka December 2022 munu nganana rawa tjunkupa 3-month nguru panya tjukurpa nyuwana.
5.2Annual Outcomes Framework reports are published on the webpages and show what progress is being made against each Outcomes Area.Year kutjupa, nganana tjunkupa Outcomes Framework reports munu tjana tjunkupai webpages kutu munu nintinyi yaaltji yaaltji nyangatja wiru ngarangu panya kutjupa tjutangka Outcomes Ara panya.
6.0We are committed to collecting and sharing relevant data to support monitoring and reporting of outcomes for people with disability to drive change.Nganana mukuring kutjupa tjuta tjungunyi munu ugangyi tjukurpa wangkanyi munu nyunanyi nganampa Anangu disability tjata panya tjana wanyu wiru ngaranyi munu palya ngaranyi munu nganana panya wiru palyanyi palumpa tjunampa.
6.1The aim of the Strategy Data Improvement Plan is to develop and collect data about the experience and outcomes of people with disability so we can see how outcomes are improving.Ngaranyi plan mula mula, ini Strategy Data Improvement Plan, goal plan nyanagtja panya mantjilpa tjukurpa panya yaaltji yaaltji Anangu disabilities tjata wiru ngaranyi munu nyananyi kutjupa tjuta panya palya ngaranyi.
7.0Building the evidence base is a key part of the Strategy. The Strategy supports disability research and building the evidence base. The National Disability Research Partnership or the Partnership will be important in promoting the use of evidence-informed policy and practice.Pulka mulapa ngaranyi Strategy panya mantjinyi tjukurpa munu Building the evidence base. Ka Strategy atunymanianyi nyananyi disability munu tjungunyi tjukurpa tjanampa tjata. Panya tjunanyi tjukurpa policies wiru nyaruntjaku munu practice, nganana wanalpa plan ini National Disability Research Partnership.
7.1Other activities helping to build evidence is the First Peoples Disability Network engaging an independent consultant to support the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the National Disability Footprint.Ngamunja Anangu Disability Network tjana alpa kulu mantjilpa tjana nguru rawa kanyini tjananya munu tjatjamilanyi National Disability tjina ara.
7.2The Northern Territory also completed an evaluation of its EmployAbility Strategy 2018-22 in 2023.Ka Northern Territory kulu kulu nyangu tjanampa plans wiru mulapa ngarangu, ka EmployAbility Strategy 2018 to 2022, wiru warkaring 2023 ngka.
8.0Strong Governance arrangements have been key to supporting the effective implementation of the Strategy and include the Advisory Council who provides independent advice to Australian governments and disability ministers on the implementation of the Strategy.Kunpu Governance pulka wangkara tjunu ka tjana key ngaranyi, panya atunymanianyi kura tjutaku panya Strategy munu tjungulpa Advisory Council, panya ngarapa independent wangkatjaku Australian governments munu disability ministers panya implementation tjata Strategy.
8.1We also engage with a forum of Disability Representative Organisations who provide advice on issues under the Strategy. This includes First Peoples Disability Network, the national peak organisation for First Nations people with disability.Nganana kulu tjungu ngarapai forum, Disability Representative Organisations panya wangkapai kutjupa tjata panya Strategy kutu. Nyangatja kulu kulu tjungu ngarapa Nganmuntja Anangu Disability Network, ka national peak organisation ngaranyi First Nations Anangu disability tjata tjuta-ku.
9.0All Strategy documents are available on the dedicated Strategy Hub on the Disability Gateway website including the latest reports and key deliverables.Uwankara Strategy nyiri kuwari ngaranyi munu tjungu Strategy Hub panya Disability Gateway website munu kuwaritja reports munu key ungkuliyani.


Video duration 3:37

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021 to 2031, we’re just going to call it the Strategy.

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.


The Strategy calls on all Australians to make sure that everyone with disability can join in as equal members of society.

People with disability could be our brothers and sisters, parents and children, co-workers, partners and friends.

2.0During the development of the Strategy, lots of people who don’t usually take part in public consultation processes attended the meetings to make sure this Strategy will work and make life better for our mob with disability.
3.0Our responsibility as governments, leaders and citizens is to build a society in which people with disability can participate as equal members of society with equal opportunities to fulfil their potential.
4.0For this Strategy to work we need everybody in the community to take part and act. Because we have to work together to make sure that everybody feels included and can have a good life.
5.0People with disability said that more focus should be on housing, safety, working, education, health and good attitude in their community. So those are the outcomes that the Strategy focuses on.
6.0We have good processes in place to measure and evaluate the outcomes.
7.0This Strategy recognises the human rights of people and aims to remove barriers so people with disability can be active in our community.
8.0While the Strategy is in action, policies and programs will be developed with a wide range of people, groups, and organisations to make sure people can get access to tailored resources, services and supports to help them.
9.0Under the Strategy and Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, the Australian Government is committed to creating policies and programs that reflect the needs and strengths of First Nations people with disability.
10.0To achieve the Strategy’s vision, governments are committed to the development of policies, programs, services and systems which reflect the human rights principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).

The Guiding Principles are based on Article 3 of the UN CRPD. Governments have

agreed to use these Guiding Principles when developing policies, programs, services and systems that can help people with disability.

12.0It is vital that business, the non-government sector and the broader community also consider how they can apply these principles.
13.0Video 2 shows you more information on how the Strategy is progressing and delivering on the outcome areas and video 3 shows other activities.
14.0All of the Strategy documents are available on Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub, on the Disability Gateway website, including the latest reports and the key deliverables.

Video duration 6:04

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy) promotes the values of respect, inclusion and equality which is an important part of our national identity.

The Strategy builds on all the good work of the National Disability Strategy 2010–2020 to establish a national approach to improving the lives of people with disability.

2.0The outcome areas in the Strategy show where communities, businesses and governments will focus to improve the lives of people with disability.

The Employment and Financial Security Outcome Area aims to create more jobs and career opportunities.

The Strategy wants people with disability to have income and financial security to allow them to plan for their future, make their own choices and have control over their lives.

4.0We are focussing on helping young people with disability to find suitable jobs after they finish their studies, enabling financial independence and security.
5.0The Inclusive Homes and Communities Outcome Area states how very important it is for people to be able to live in well-designed, accessible homes that they can afford.
6.0Community shops, businesses and recreational venues must also be accessible for people with disability so that they can go to work and socialise and lead a fulfilled life.
7.0It’s important that people with disability can make their own choices and have control about where they live, who they live with, and who comes into their home. People with disability need to be able to access different environments and get out and about and visit people and places in their community. It is also important that people with disability can contact the right people for reliable information.
8.0The Safety, Rights and Justice Outcome Area states that people with disability have the same rights as people without disability. All people should always feel safe!
9.0The Strategy is working to make sure that people with disability have equal access to justice and feel that their rights are supported, up-held and protected. Discrimination is against the law, but people with disability often feel discriminated against in their daily lives. The Strategy is working to change that!
10.0The Strategy needs to make sure people with disability are safe from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, including women and their children. The Strategy is working to provide better responses for those who have experienced trauma.
11.0The criminal justice system also needs education to understand and respond correctly to the complex needs and vulnerabilities of people with disability.
12.0The Personal and Community Support Outcome Area goal is to make sure people with disability have access to the personal and community specialist disability supports that are needed.
12.1People with disability also need to have access to general public mainstream services and receive support to access assistive technology.
12.2We want all people with disability to have access to disability supports, not just those people who are eligible for NDIS.
13.0The Education and Learning Outcome Area aim is for people with disability to have better access to formal and informal education. We are working towards more inclusive education and to create better pathways and accessibility for people with disability to further their education and training.
14.0We are also working to provide younger children with disability access to high-quality early childhood care and education.
15.0Our goal for the Health and Wellbeing Outcome area is for people with disability to have the best possible health and wellbeing throughout their lives. It’s important that health service providers are ready to meet the needs of people with disability.
15.1Good health and wellbeing, including mental health, is very important for a person’s quality of life. This is especially important before, during and after disasters or public emergencies.
16.0This Outcome Area focuses on Community Attitudes and aims to achieving an inclusive society and improving outcomes for people with disability.
16.1The community has to have the right attitude! Communities must be inclusive for people with disability to participate in every aspect of society.
17.0The Strategy’s Guiding Principles reflect the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. All governments are committed to the development and implementation of policies, programs, and services, which reflect the human rights principles of the Convention, and to use the Guiding Principles in their work.

The Strategy recognises that intersectionality and diversity is important.

To improve supports for First Nations people with disability, governments are implementing the Strategy together with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

19.0To find out more visit ADS Hub website.

Video duration 4:12
1.0We have committed to regular reporting on how we are progressing.
1.1We want to be transparent about how outcomes are changing for people with disability. Let’s talk about some activities that have been done or are in progress to implement the Strategy.
2.0The Australian Government developed the Good Practice Guidelines for Engaging with People with Disability. This guide helps government and non-government organisations to improve their engagement activities to better support the participation and inclusion of people with disability in their community.
3.0The guide has Targeted Action Plans (TAPs). The plans apply an intensive focus over one to three years to achieve specific actions that improve outcomes for people with disability.
3.1The first five TAPs focus on: employment, community attitudes, early childhood, safety, and emergency management. Annual reports are developed yearly on how actions are progressing.
4.0Associated Plans are plans developed by other Commonwealth government agencies that link to the Strategy. Associated Plans provide a more coordinated, long-term approach to how governments work to improve outcomes for people with disability. All Associated Plans should clearly identify how they contribute to achieving the outcomes of the Strategy.
5.0The Outcomes Framework tracks the changes in outcomes that are happening over time for people with disability and tells us if outcomes are improving. This includes collecting data on outcomes for people with disability for areas discussed in Video 2.
5.1The Outcomes Framework webpages are an interactive and accessible reporting website launched on 14 December 2022. Data on the webpages is updated quarterly when new data is available.
5.2Annual Outcomes Framework reports are published on the webpages and show what progress is being made against each Outcomes Area.
6.0We are committed to collecting and sharing relevant data to support monitoring and reporting of outcomes for people with disability to drive change.
6.1The aim of the Strategy Data Improvement Plan is to develop and collect data about the experience and outcomes of people with disability so we can see how outcomes are improving.
7.0Building the evidence base is a key part of the Strategy. The Strategy supports disability research and building the evidence base. The National Disability Research Partnership or the Partnership will be important in promoting the use of evidence-informed policy and practice.
7.1Other activities helping to build evidence is the First Peoples Disability Network engaging an independent consultant to support the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the National Disability Footprint.
7.2The Northern Territory also completed an evaluation of its EmployAbility Strategy 2018-22 in 2023.
8.0Strong Governance arrangements have been key to supporting the effective implementation of the Strategy and include the Advisory Council who provides independent advice to Australian governments and disability ministers on the implementation of the Strategy.
8.1We also engage with a forum of Disability Representative Organisations who provide advice on issues under the Strategy. This includes First Peoples Disability Network, the national peak organisation for First Nations people with disability.
9.0All Strategy documents are available on the dedicated Strategy Hub on the Disability Gateway website including the latest reports and key deliverables.