
Many organisations offer respite services for carers. You might also need respite in an emergency, if you or your carer is suddenly ill or unable to help.

Find out what is available in your state or territory

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A woman relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea

Respite is when someone else takes care of a person so that their carer can have a break.

A girl and her carer

Respite is a good break for:

  • carers
  • the person they care for.

A woman packing to go on holiday

You can get:

  • planned respite
  • emergency respite – if something happens and your carer can’t care for you at the moment.

Select your state or territory below to find out more information.

Find out what is available in your state or territory

Use the map or the buttons below to find out what is available in your state or territory.

Select your state or territory