
Disability advocacy promotes, protects and supports a person’s human rights. Advocacy organisations can support you to make sure you are not discriminated against and are treated equally and respectfully by others.

You can search for disability advocates in your state or territory or use the Ask Izzy Disability Advocacy finder.

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A woman supporting a man, with her hand on his shoulder. He has a speech bubble

Advocacy is when someone speaks up for you if you can’t speak up for yourself.

A group of people with speech bubbles

Advocacy organisations are groups of people that speak up for people with disability.

They can:

  • help you have your say
  • give you information and advice.

A man frowning with thumbs down, a law icon and a cross

In Australia, it is against the law for you to be treated unfairly because of your disability.

A man and a woman talking to an advocate

There are advocacy organisations in each state and territory that can help you tell someone if this happens to you.


Select your state or territory below to find out more information.

Find out what is available in your state or territory

Use the map or the buttons below to find out what is available in your state or territory.

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