Your rights

Your rights include basic entitlements such as being treated fairly, treating others fairly and having the ability to make choices.

If someone is preventing you from exercising your rights or discriminating against you, you could make a legal complaint or get an advocate to assist you.

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Your rights

A man and a woman talking about another woman, who is looking down

In Australia it is against the law for someone to:

  • stop you from being treated fairly
  • discriminate against you.

A group of people talking about a woman, who has her arms crossed

Discrimination is when someone treats someone else badly because of something about them they can’t change, like their age or their disability.

A woman supporting another woman, holding her hand

You can tell someone if this happens to you.

2 women sitting down together and talking

There are organisations that can:

  • support you
  • give you information about your rights
  • help you speak up.

Select your state or territory below to find out more information.

Find out what is available in your state or territory

Use the map or the buttons below to find out what is available in your state or territory.

Select your state or territory