Committee to inquire into the NDIA

Media release

The Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will inquire into the capability and culture of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), Committee Chair Libby Coker MP said today.

“The inquiry into the NDIA is in addition to the committee’s ongoing responsibility to inquire into
the implementation, performance, governance, administration and expenditure of the NDIS,” Ms Coker said.

“The committee has recently called for submissions from the community in relation to both inquiries. We look forward to receiving the community’s contributions.

“Members understand that the testimony of people with lived experience is crucial to identifying and improving the operation of the scheme and the NDIA.

“That’s why we will be conducting public hearings and taking the inquiries to locations across the nation, including regional areas.”

The inquiries are the first the committee will undertake during the 47th Parliament. Subsequent inquiries are under consideration in the context of disability sector priorities and government reform.

NDIS General Issues Inquiry

The committee is required to inquire into and report on general issues relating to the implementation, performance, governance, administration, and expenditure of the NDIS.

This inquiry is ongoing and submissions will remain open for the life of the Parliament, however the committee invites submissions by 30 June 2023 for consideration in its first annual report.

Capability and Culture of the NDIA Inquiry

The committee has also initiated an inquiry into the Capability and Culture of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

The committee will inquire into and report on the implementation, performance, governance and administration of the NDIS, with particular reference to:

  1. the capability and culture of the NDIA, with reference to operational processes and procedures, and nature of staff employment;
  2. the impacts of NDIA capability and culture on the experiences of people with disability and NDIS participants trying to access information, support and services from the Agency; and
  3. any other relevant matters.

The committee invites submissions and has set two submission closing dates for this inquiry – on 12 October 2022 and 16 December 2022.

The committee’s website contains details on making submissions.

A list of committee members for the 47th Parliament is also available on the website.

For general inquiries, contact the committee secretariat at: [email protected]
Media contact: David Finlayson – 0414 266 256 (Office of Committee Chair, Libby Coker MP)