your Gateway news – first edition
The Disability Gateway presents the first edition of your Gateway news. Each quarterly edition of the newsletter will provide useful information about programs, services and supports for people with disability, opportunities for you to be involved, as well as interesting stories by people with disability, for people with disability, and much more…
your Gateway news - first edition
In this edition you will find:
- Your story – Meet Grace, Mark and Sue (short videos).
- Are you interested in key Government actions on disability policy?
- Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031
- Disability Reform Ministerial Council
- National Autism Strategy
- Do you need individual advocacy support?
- Do you want to make a complaint about a person with disability being hurt, treated badly or neglected?
- Are you interested in improving access to Assistive Technology support for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants?
- Do you know about the COVID-19 Leave Grant for Disability Workers?
- Don’t forget International Day of People with Disability