Have your say on the Disability Employment Centre of Excellence

Have your say on the Disability Employment Centre of Excellence image

We want to hear from people with disability and the disability community about what a new Disability Employment Centre of Excellence should look like.

An options paper outlining suggested centre types and a proposed approach is now available for your feedback on the DSS Engage website.

The Centre of Excellence aims to improve the quality of your employment services. Your feedback will help create a centre that can help you prepare for work and get a job if you want one. It can also support you to keep working and progress your career.

The options paper invites your feedback on the main things the centre will do, and its priorities.

Your feedback is important.

To view the options paper or to submit your feedback, visit engage.dss.gov.au or provide feedback in writing to [email protected]

To receive a hard copy or Easy Read print out of the options paper, email [email protected]

Submissions close 27 November 2023.