National Disability Data Asset
National Disability Data Asset
Commonwealth, state and territory governments are working together with the disability community to create a National Disability Data Asset (NDDA).
The NDDA aims to connect data about people with disability in Australia together, including information about health, employment and support services.
This data will give governments, researchers and policy makers a better picture of the needs and goals of people with disability. It will also help to develop better policies and support services for people with disability and provide more accurate reporting on Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021 -2031.
Pilot Phase
The NDDA recently completed a testing period called the pilot with New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland state governments and the disability community.
The pilot tested the best ways to link data about people with disability. It focused on housing, justice, early childhood, education to employment, and mental illness and psychological distress.
The pilot revealed new data about people with disability living in the four states that were part of the pilot. For example, housing research showed one in five people with disability live on their own.
The data used was de-identified and kept secure.
To learn more about the NDDA and to read the pilot findings, visit