Release of the National Autism Strategy 2025-31

Media release
image of a person sitting and painting and another standing and showing them something on a page

On 14 January 2025, the Minister for Social Services, the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, released the National Autism Strategy. The Strategy aims to improve inclusion, support and life outcomes for the almost 300,000 Autistic people living in Australia.

The Strategy outlines a national approach to improving understanding and acceptance of autism. It also aims to ensure Autistic people in Australia have equal opportunities and the support they need to thrive.

The government worked with the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and consulted widely with Autistic people and their families and carers, experts, researchers and the broader autism and disability sectors to develop the Strategy.

The Strategy has four key outcome areas:

  • social inclusion
  • economic inclusion
  • diagnosis, services and supports
  • health and mental health.

The health and mental health component will be delivered through the Department of Health and Aged Care’s (Autism Health Roadmap) National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People.

The Strategy will be supported by the First Action Plan 2025-26. The Action Plan outlines the immediate steps the government will take to achieve the Strategy’s vision and outcomes.

Find out more

Read the National Autism Strategy 2025-31 and First Action Plan 2025-26