
photo of Richard

Richard is 76 and has Parkinsons which started with a shaking arm. One of the important things for Parkinsons, he believes, is to exercise. He is a part of a dance group and goes regularly to do all kinds of movements and to assist with socialising with people.

Video duration 1:26

[Image appears of Richard smiling at the camera]

Richard: My disability is Parkinson’s. 

[Image changes to show Richard talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show Richard smiling and laughing with his friends in a restaurant]

My arm was shaking and I went to the hospital and the specialist said, “Oh you got Parkinson’s”.

[Image changes to show Richard talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show Richard smiling at the camera]

I thought immediately, “That’s Muhammed Ali and Michael J Fox”. 

[Image changes to show Richard talking to the camera, and then smiling at the camera, and text appears: Richard]

My name is Richard. I am 76 years old. I’m young, terrifically good looking and modest. 

[Images move through to show an aerial view of a city, a train moving along overhead, and a rear view and then facing view of Richard walking along a footpath]
One of the important things about Parkinson’s is that you need exercise. 

[Images move through of Richard seated in a chair dancing, and a female and Richard both dancing in their chairs]

Perhaps you use a bit of dancing, a bit of movement. 

[Images move through to show Richard talking to the camera, Richard talking with friends in the dancing group, and then Richard talking to the camera]

I go three times a week and I do all kinds of movements and you can find groups like this in the website and the Gateway has a lot of information that you can use.

[Images move through to show Richard holding hands with a female dance instructor, Richard talking to the camera, and Richard participating in the seated dancing group]

Through the Disability Gateway it’s possible to find a lot of information that will assist you to communicate and socialise with other people. 

[Image changes to show Richard talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show Richard working on a laptop]

What I like about the Gateway is that it’s simple to use. 

[Image changes to show a close view of the laptop, and then the image changes to show Richard operating the laptop, and then the image changes to show Richard talking to the camera]

For people like myself that have a disability with my hands, it can be very difficult. 

[Image changes to show Richard calling on a Smartphone, and then talking on the Smartphone]

It’s great to be able to call and the people are very friendly and very helpful.

[Image changes to show text: For more information please visit, Or call 1800 643 787]

To access the Gateway go to You can ring 1800 643 787.

[Music plays and the image changes to show the Disability Gateway logo and text appears: 1800 643 787,]

Video duration 1:26

[Image appears of Richard smiling at the camera]

Richard: My disability is Parkinson’s. 

[Image changes to show Richard talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show Richard smiling and laughing with his friends in a restaurant]

My arm was shaking and I went to the hospital and the specialist said, “Oh you got Parkinson’s”.

[Image changes to show Richard talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show Richard smiling at the camera]

I thought immediately, “That’s Muhammed Ali and Michael J Fox”. 

[Image changes to show Richard talking to the camera, and then smiling at the camera, and text appears: Richard]

My name is Richard. I am 76 years old. I’m young, terrifically good looking and modest. 

[Images move through to show an aerial view of a city, a train moving along overhead, and a rear view and then facing view of Richard walking along a footpath]
One of the important things about Parkinson’s is that you need exercise. 

[Images move through of Richard seated in a chair dancing, and a female and Richard both dancing in their chairs]

Perhaps you use a bit of dancing, a bit of movement. 

[Images move through to show Richard talking to the camera, Richard talking with friends in the dancing group, and then Richard talking to the camera]

I go three times a week and I do all kinds of movements and you can find groups like this in the website and the Gateway has a lot of information that you can use.

[Images move through to show Richard holding hands with a female dance instructor, Richard talking to the camera, and Richard participating in the seated dancing group]

Through the Disability Gateway it’s possible to find a lot of information that will assist you to communicate and socialise with other people. 

[Image changes to show Richard talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show Richard working on a laptop]

What I like about the Gateway is that it’s simple to use. 

[Image changes to show a close view of the laptop, and then the image changes to show Richard operating the laptop, and then the image changes to show Richard talking to the camera]

For people like myself that have a disability with my hands, it can be very difficult. 

[Image changes to show Richard calling on a Smartphone, and then talking on the Smartphone]

It’s great to be able to call and the people are very friendly and very helpful.

[Image changes to show text: For more information please visit, Or call 1800 643 787]

To access the Gateway go to You can ring 1800 643 787.

[Music plays and the image changes to show the Disability Gateway logo and text appears: 1800 643 787,]

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