Welcome videos
Hi. I'm Lauren.
And I'm here to welcome you to the Disability Gateway.
The Australian Government made the Disability Gateway for people with disability, their families and their carers.
You can use the Disability Gateway website to find helpful information and useful links about 10 different areas of life.
These are...
Money. On this page, you can get information about payments and supports.
Employment, which is all about training and finding a job.
Aids and equipment, which tells you more about technology that makes your day-to-day life easier.
Housing. This page is about finding a home that suits your needs.
Transport, which is about getting where you need to go.
Health. This page is about supports and services that keep you healthy.
Day-to-day living. On this page, you can get information about the things you do every day.
Education, a page about learning new things and getting new skills.
Leisure. This is about sports, hobbies, travel and holidays.
Legal. This page is about your rights and the people who can support you.
The Disability Gateway also has helpful information about groups who can help you, advocates who can speak up for you and networks of people you can connect with.
Do you need support to use or understand the Disability Gateway?
If you speak a language other than English, the Translating and Interpreting Service, TIS, can read the Disability Gateway to you in your language. You can call TIS on 131 450.
If you need to listen to the Disability Gateway, you can use ReadSpeaker. Just press the Listen button on any page to have it read out to you.
If you have difficulties with speaking or hearing, you can call the National Relay Service on 133 677.
So, that's everything you need to know about the Disability Gateway website.
And if you need to contact us, you can use our feedback page.
Disability Gateway welcome for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Action: Element drawn onto the screen
VO: Finding information about disability services is important for all of us...
Action: Cont. elements draw onto the screen.
VO: and for those who care about us.
Action: Green elements draw on at the same time and move together from left to right.
VO: It shouldn’t be hard, and that’s why the new Disability Gateway has been launched.
Action: Pan over. We reach the blue Disability Gateway Element.
VO: It’s a website and phone line that helps...
Action: The dots around the element appear.
VO: ...connect us all to trusted information and services.
Action: The surrounding elements fade out. The centre remains in focus.
VO: It can help us to find out about...
Action: Zoom in to reveal the text when the voice over says each word. Blue element moves slightly.
VO: ...employment, housing, day to day activities, transport and more.
Action: Zoom back out smoothly and reveal more of the element.
VO: Visit disabilitygateway.gov.au
Action: Cont. to smoothly zoom out. Show element in full.
VO: or call 1800 643 787
Action: Text fades in on screen.
Action: Fade to screen with logo and fade off.
VO: Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.