Key actions under the Strategy

Each level of government provide supports and services. Under the Strategy all governments are working to improve these services for people with disability.

Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of governments

The Strategy helps strengthen actions across all levels of government in several ways.

Targeted Action Plans

By using Targeted Action Plans, extra work will be done in some priority areas identified by people with disability. Each Targeted Action Plan is agreed to by disability ministers. The five Targeted Action Plans launched with the Strategy work to improve employment, community attitudes, early childhood, safety, and emergency management.

Learn more about the Targeted Action Plans

Associated Plans

Many government departments have strategies, plans, roadmaps and frameworks in place that show how the work they are doing supports the Strategy. We call these ‘Associated Plans’ as they support the Strategy. More will be added over time.

Learn more about Employ My Ability - the Disability Employment Strategy

Learn more about the National roadmap for improving the health of Australians with intellectual disability

Learn more about the National Disability Advocacy Framework

Learn more about ‘Equity: the Arts and Disability Associated Plan’ (November 2024)

State and territory government action

State and territory governments play a major part in providing mainstream services such as education, justice and health. They work to make these services inclusive for people with disability.

State and territory disability plans

State and territory governments have their own disability plans in place, or are developing plans. Many local governments (commonly known as councils) also have disability plans in place. Together, the reporting against these plans will add to the overall reporting against the Strategy.

Learn more about state and territory disability plans:

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia


Victorian Government

Western Australia

Disability advisory groups

All states and territories have groups they use to regularly engage with people with disability. These groups provide advice about government policy and programs that affect people with disability.

Learn more about these disability advisory groups:

Australian Capital Territory Disability Reference Group

New South Wales Disability Council

Northern Territory Disability Advisory Committee

Tasmanian Premier's Disability Advisory Council

Victorian Disability Advisory Council

Queensland Disability Advisory Council

South Australia Disability Engagement Group

Western Australian Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability

Local government action

The Australian Local Government Association is the national voice of local government and represents 537 councils across Australia. To help councils better support people with disability they have created a guide called Disability Inclusion Planning – A Guide for Local Government.

Learn more about the Disability Inclusion Planning – A Guide for Local Government

Commonwealth government action

National Disability Representative Organisations

Disability Representative Organisations provide systemic advocacy and representation for Australians with disability.

These peak bodies provide advice to the Commonwealth government on breaking down barriers and improving social and economic participation and engage with a range of ministers and portfolios. They provide systemic advocacy for Australians with disability to:

  • promote an understanding of the lives of people with disability
  • promote and protect the rights and dignity of people with disability
  • support service providers in delivering services to people with disability
  • foster support for the participation of people with disability in all aspects of community life.

The Disability Representative organisations are:

Children and Young People with Disability Australia

Disability Australia Consortium, which is made up of:

First Peoples Disability Network Australia

People with Disability Australia

Women with Disabilities Australia

National Ethnic Disability Alliance