Roles and responsibilities
Australian, state, territory, and local governments (commonly known as local councils) all play a part in delivering services that help people with disability. Here you can find out which government is responsible for which services. There are also contact points for these services, whether they are disability-specific or for mainstream services used by everyone.
This can be useful if you want to give feedback or make a compliant about a service. Remember all governments have obligations to provide services to all Australians and are responsible for making reasonable adjustments to assist people with disability so they can access and use the same services as everyone else.
In many cases more than one government is involved in funding or delivering a service system. But in most cases one level of government has the main responsibility for delivering the system.
A quick overview table on which level of government provides which service or system will help you get a broad picture of government roles and responsibilities.
The NDIS Applied Principles and Tables of Support provides further information and outlines the responsibilities between the NDIS and other service systems that deliver supports to people with disability.
Australian Government and shared services
The Australian Government provides a number of disability services nationally, so you can get the same service no matter which state of territory you are in.
There are also some types of services for people with disability that are delivered by both the Australian Government and all the state and territory governments.
Find out what services the Australian Government delivers for people with disability
Find out which responsibilities for services you use are shared between governments
Learn more about government agreements and funding (PDF)
State and Territory and local government services
Some services are delivered mainly by state or territory governments. All states and territories (except the Australian Capital Territory) have local councils that also service a range of services in their region. The following links will provide information on these services by state and territory.
Australian Capital Territory services
The rights of people with disability
Agreements (PDF) between the Australian government and state and territory governments are in place to allow the shared responsibility of services, systems, funding and governance of programs and policies that affect people with disabilities.