
photo of CallumCallum is a person with Aspergers. He struggled making friends and socialising until he joined a sports group for people with disabilities. The group has helped build his confidence, self esteem and social skills.

Video duration 1:47

[Music plays and an image appears of a city, and then the image changes to show a close view of a house yard, and then the image changes to show Callum shaking hands with his border collie]

[Image changes to show Callum talking to the camera]

Callum: I was diagnosed at about six years old with high functioning autism, Asperger’s to be precise.

[Music plays and images move through to show a close view of a kettle, Callum picking up a mug in a kitchen, and then Callum talking to the camera, and text appears: Callum]

I’m Callum. I live in Hobart, Mt Stuart. 

[Images move through of Callum looking at the Disability Gateway website on a computer]

Disability Gateway is a website for Australians living with disabilities where they can access information to help their daily lives.

[Music plays and image continues to show Callum looking at the computer, and then the image changes to show Callum talking to the camera]

There’s a huge range of categories on the Disability Gateway which people can go to check out. 

[Image changes to show the Disability Gateway webpage again, and then the image changes to show a “Sports Centre” sign on the wall of a sports arena]

You can find my sports programme through the Leisure section. 

[Image changes to show Callum talking to the camera]

I really struggled with making friends or socialisation skills and all that. 

[Image changes to show a closer view of Callum talking, and then images move through of the outside of the sports centre, and then Callum playing basketball inside the sports centre]

So, I joined up in the sports group for people with intellectual disabilities, or anyone with a disability for that matter.

[Image changes to show Callum and his friends listening to a basketball coach, and then the image changes to show Callum talking to the camera]

It’s been a real eye opener for me because I’ve met a lot of new people and we all support each other in the group. 

[Images move through of Callum and his team mates shooting hoops, and then a close view of them talking together]

We build each other’s confidence and esteem up and I’ve certainly increased my social skills.

[Music plays and images move through of Stuart working with Callum and his team mates]

Stuart is the facilitator and coach. 

[Image changes to show Callum talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show Stuart talking with Callum in the sports centre]

Under his coaching and guide he’s really made me into a better person and he’s made me into the best of what I am. 

[Image changes to show Stuart and Callum giving each other a Hi-5]

So, he’s a real role model for everyone there.

[Music plays and image changes to show Callum talking to the camera, and then the images move through to show Callum making a call on a Smartphone]

When I first heard of the Disability Gateway I felt more confident knowing that there was other types of services out there that can help people with disabilities.

[Image changes to show Callum looking at the website again]

If you have a disability I would encourage you to check out the site. It can really benefit you through your day to day lives.

[Image changes to show text: For more information please visit, Or call 1800 643 787]

You can access the Disability Gateway through, or even call them on 1800 643 787.

[Music plays and the image changes to show the Disability Gateway logo, and text appears: 1800 643 787,]

Video duration 1:47

[Music plays and an image appears of a city, and then the image changes to show a close view of a house yard, and then the image changes to show Callum shaking hands with his border collie]

[Image changes to show Callum talking to the camera]

Callum: I was diagnosed at about six years old with high functioning autism, Asperger’s to be precise.

[Music plays and images move through to show a close view of a kettle, Callum picking up a mug in a kitchen, and then Callum talking to the camera, and text appears: Callum]

I’m Callum. I live in Hobart, Mt Stuart. 

[Images move through of Callum looking at the Disability Gateway website on a computer]

Disability Gateway is a website for Australians living with disabilities where they can access information to help their daily lives.

[Music plays and image continues to show Callum looking at the computer, and then the image changes to show Callum talking to the camera]

There’s a huge range of categories on the Disability Gateway which people can go to check out. 

[Image changes to show the Disability Gateway webpage again, and then the image changes to show a “Sports Centre” sign on the wall of a sports arena]

You can find my sports programme through the Leisure section. 

[Image changes to show Callum talking to the camera]

I really struggled with making friends or socialisation skills and all that. 

[Image changes to show a closer view of Callum talking, and then images move through of the outside of the sports centre, and then Callum playing basketball inside the sports centre]

So, I joined up in the sports group for people with intellectual disabilities, or anyone with a disability for that matter.

[Image changes to show Callum and his friends listening to a basketball coach, and then the image changes to show Callum talking to the camera]

It’s been a real eye opener for me because I’ve met a lot of new people and we all support each other in the group. 

[Images move through of Callum and his team mates shooting hoops, and then a close view of them talking together]

We build each other’s confidence and esteem up and I’ve certainly increased my social skills.

[Music plays and images move through of Stuart working with Callum and his team mates]

Stuart is the facilitator and coach. 

[Image changes to show Callum talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show Stuart talking with Callum in the sports centre]

Under his coaching and guide he’s really made me into a better person and he’s made me into the best of what I am. 

[Image changes to show Stuart and Callum giving each other a Hi-5]

So, he’s a real role model for everyone there.

[Music plays and image changes to show Callum talking to the camera, and then the images move through to show Callum making a call on a Smartphone]

When I first heard of the Disability Gateway I felt more confident knowing that there was other types of services out there that can help people with disabilities.

[Image changes to show Callum looking at the website again]

If you have a disability I would encourage you to check out the site. It can really benefit you through your day to day lives.

[Image changes to show text: For more information please visit, Or call 1800 643 787]

You can access the Disability Gateway through, or even call them on 1800 643 787.

[Music plays and the image changes to show the Disability Gateway logo, and text appears: 1800 643 787,]

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