
Can’t find what you’re looking for?

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Provide feedback

We invite you to provide feedback about this website. You can take our survey or leave a comment below. Your feedback will help us to ensure the Disability Gateway meets your needs and expectations.


Take our 5 minute survey to rate how easy it was for you to use the Gateway

Tell us what you think

Your feedback relates to (required)
What best describes you? (required)
Would you like to leave your email address? We may get in touch for further information around your feedback.

The Benevolent Society is providing the Disability Gateway on behalf of the Australian Government and will be collecting your personal information.

We collect your postcode to help tailor and personalise our services to you, as our services may vary by state or territory.

The information you provide will be stored and may be shared as per the Disability Gateway’s Privacy Statement. If you wish to know how we collect and manage your personal information, please read our Privacy Statement.