Rental assistance

There are different types of rental assistance that could be available to help you access the private rental market. You may be able to receive help to pay your bond or rent from your state or territory government. You will need to check with your state or territory government on the types of assistance available and your eligibility.

Find out what is available in your state or territory

Use the map or the buttons below to find out what is available in your state or territory.

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Rental assistance

A woman pointing to herself with a house icon with 'rent' above

You might want to rent your own home.

Website on a computer screen with a house icon

There are supports that can help you, including:

  • websites that have lists of housing for rent
  • organisations that can help you to find housing.

Select your state or territory below to find out more information.

Find out what is available in your state or territory

Use the map or the buttons below to find out what is available in your state or territory.

Select your state or territory