Australia’s Disability Strategy gets an update

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031, 2024 update: building a more inclusive australia logo

We have updated Australia’s Disability Strategy to deliver better outcomes for people with disability.

Australia’s Disability Strategy is the nation’s disability policy framework. It calls on all Australians to ensure people with disability can participate as equal members of society.

The strategy was reviewed over the past year. The review was based on feedback from people with disability and the wider community. We asked what parts of the strategy were working and what needed to change.

We’ve heard your feedback and have updated the strategy so that it continues to drive outcomes for the 5.5 million Australians with disability.

The updated strategy has several supporting documents, including:

  • 3 new targeted action plans
  • a revised Data Improvement Plan
  • the Guide to Applying Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031.

Targeted Action Plans

Targeted action plans help governments do extra work in specific areas. These areas have been identified by people with disability.

The 3 new targeted action plans for 2025–2027 are:

The first 5 targeted action plans have now concluded. You can find out what was achieved in the Third Targeted Action Plan Report. This is the final report covering this set of targeted action plans.

Data Improvement Plan

Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 Data Improvement Plan has been revised.

The Data Improvement Plan shows how governments will improve the data and reporting needed to measure progress on outcomes for people with disability.

We revised the Data Improvement Plan in consultation with Disability Representative Organisations, Australia’s Disability Strategy Advisory Council and Australian, state and territory agencies.

Applying the Strategy

The Guide to Applying Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 gives practical advice on how to apply the strategy’s guiding principles. 

The guide:

  • helps make sure policies, programs and service can work better for everyone
  • can be used by government, business and community to better consider people with disability in their work
  • helps you ‘Identify, Plan and Reflect’ on making the work you do more inclusive and accessible for people with disability

To read the strategy and its supporting documents, visit: The Strategy and supporting documents | Disability Gateway