
It can be tough getting around if your mobility is limited in any way. There are several options for you to help you get to where you need to go. The Australian and state and territory governments subsidise some transport options.

Video duration 2:37

Hi, I'm Gary, and today I'll be talking about the area of life that relates to transport.

Travelling around and getting where you need to go is important for everyone, and transport is available in many ways.

If you have a disability, you might be able to get support to use transport from the Australian Government, along with State and Territory governments.

If you have a disability, you might be able to get support to use public transport or to help pay for other transport if you can't use public transport.

To find out more about these services, check out the Public transport page.

Another form is community transport, which is available in two different types.

Group transport, where you travel with others, and individual transport if needed.

The community transport options are available across Australia and each State and Territory.

You can find out more on the Community transport page.

You have access to taxi and rideshare services, which are both good ways to get around.

These are services run by companies that organise for someone to drive you where you need to go.

You can also find out how State and Territory governments can help you pay for taxis that include wheelchair accessibility.

These are known as wheelchair accessible taxis, or WATs.

To find more information about rideshare, taxi and other transport services, check out the Taxi and rideshare services page.

You can always drive and park your own car if you have one.

We can help with information about getting your driver's licence, parking your car when you have a disability and if you need changes made to your car so it's easier to drive.

You can learn more on the Driving and parking your own car page.

If you'd like to know more about how we can assist in transport, please contact the Disability Gateway on 1800 643 787.

This section provides links to services and information on:

Public transport

Discounts and help with buses, trains, light rail and ferries

Community transport

Local trips provided by community groups

Taxis and rideshare services

Subsidised taxi schemes and services in your area

Driving and parking your own car

Getting a drivers licence and disability parking permit

See also Health and wellbeing for information about transport services to get to and from health care.


Video duration 2:37

Hi, I'm Gary, and today I'll be talking about the area of life that relates to transport.

Travelling around and getting where you need to go is important for everyone, and transport is available in many ways.

If you have a disability, you might be able to get support to use transport from the Australian Government, along with State and Territory governments.

If you have a disability, you might be able to get support to use public transport or to help pay for other transport if you can't use public transport.

To find out more about these services, check out the Public transport page.

Another form is community transport, which is available in two different types.

Group transport, where you travel with others, and individual transport if needed.

The community transport options are available across Australia and each State and Territory.

You can find out more on the Community transport page.

You have access to taxi and rideshare services, which are both good ways to get around.

These are services run by companies that organise for someone to drive you where you need to go.

You can also find out how State and Territory governments can help you pay for taxis that include wheelchair accessibility.

These are known as wheelchair accessible taxis, or WATs.

To find more information about rideshare, taxi and other transport services, check out the Taxi and rideshare services page.

You can always drive and park your own car if you have one.

We can help with information about getting your driver's licence, parking your car when you have a disability and if you need changes made to your car so it's easier to drive.

You can learn more on the Driving and parking your own car page.

If you'd like to know more about how we can assist in transport, please contact the Disability Gateway on 1800 643 787.

A car with an accessible ramp at the back. A woman is helping another woman in a wheelchair get into the car

In this Area of Life we talk about transport.

It is important that everyone can get where they need to go.

Icons for Australian Government and state and territory governments

If you have a disability, you might be able to get support to use transport from:

  • the Australian Government
  • state and territory governments.

This section has information about:

A woman in a wheelchair with transport and money icons next to her

Public transport

Support and help to pay for public transport.

A man and a woman sitting on a bus

Community transport

Local trips provided by community groups.

A row of taxis

Taxis and rideshare services

Types of taxis and rideshare services you can use.

A man sitting in the driver's seat of a car smiling. There is an extra control on the steering wheel that he's holding

Driving and parking your own car

Getting your driver’s licence and using your own car.

Health and wellbeing on a computer screen

You can also visit the Health and wellbeing page for information about transport services to get to and from health care.


Key supports

National Disability Insurance Scheme logo.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports people with disability.

If you want help with the NDIS, you can call them on 1800 800 110

My Aged Care logo.

My Aged Care supports older people.

You can call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422

Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs logo.

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs supports veterans. We call this department DVA.

A veteran is a person who served in the military.

If you want help from DVA, you can call them on 1800 555 524

A Medicare card with a dollar sign and a down arrow. Behind it is a map of Australia.

Medicare is a program that gives all Australians health care at no cost or low cost.

If you want help with Medicare, you can call them on 132 011

Australian Government Services Australia logo.

Services Australia supports all Australians, including:

  • families
  • older people
  • carers
  • people looking for work.

If you want help from Services Australia, you can call them on 132 307

Carer Gateway logo.

The Carer Gateway supports families and carers who support another person.

You can call the Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737

Head to Health logo

Head to Health can help you find information about mental health – for yourself or for someone you care about.

You can visit the Head to Health website for more information.